There has been a lot of buzz around Wolfram|Alpha, the “comÂpuÂtaÂtionÂal knowlÂedge engine” that was unveiled earÂliÂer this week. To underÂstand what this new engine is all about, you can watch this shortÂer introÂducÂtoÂry video, or watch the lengthy talk above by Stephen WolÂfram at HarÂvard’s BerkÂman CenÂter for InterÂnet & SociÂety. As you’ll see, Wolfram|Alpha isn’t realÂly about searchÂing the web. It’s more about about answerÂing quesÂtions, makÂing comÂpuÂtaÂtions, or proÂvidÂing “facts about things,” as WolÂfram says. When it proÂvides answers, it’s cerÂtainÂly impresÂsive. When it doesÂn’t (which hapÂpens not infreÂquentÂly), it’s less so. If you’ve played with it, let us know your thoughts.