AstroÂnaut Don PetÂtit is a chemÂiÂcal engiÂneer by trainÂing, and he is a man who loves his work. The video above, proÂduced as part of a series called “SciÂence off the Sphere,” shows an experÂiÂment conÂductÂed aboard the InterÂnaÂtionÂal Space StaÂtion. In it, PetÂtit demonÂstrates the way a water bubÂble reacts to puffs of air in microÂgravÂiÂty. The results are fasÂciÂnatÂing to watch, made more so by Pettit’s total absorpÂtion in the experÂiÂment.
DurÂing his first six-month stay on the ISS in 2002–3, PetÂtit also experÂiÂmentÂed on how fluÂids react in zero-gravÂiÂty. He dubbed these sesÂsions “SatÂurÂday MornÂing SciÂence.” PetÂtit returned to the ISS in DecemÂber of 2011 and is still there, orbitÂing over 240 miles above the earth, conÂductÂing experÂiÂments in his free time and proÂducÂing “SciÂence off the Sphere.” Episode 5 of the series (below) is mesÂmerÂizÂing, and again, Pettit’s wonÂder as he narÂrates the experÂiÂment is palÂpaÂble.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Great Cities at Night: Views from the InterÂnaÂtionÂal Space StaÂtion
DrinkÂing CofÂfee at Zero GravÂiÂty
Josh Jones is a docÂtorÂal canÂdiÂdate in EngÂlish at FordÂham UniÂverÂsiÂty and a co-founder and forÂmer manÂagÂing ediÂtor of GuerÂniÂca / A MagÂaÂzine of Arts and PolÂiÂtics.