We’re beamÂing you back to 1964. Richard FeynÂman, our favorite BonÂgo-playÂing, Nobel Prize-winÂning physiÂcist, reduces sciÂence to the barest essenÂtials, to its most funÂdaÂmenÂtal truth. If a theÂoÂry doesÂn’t square with experÂiÂment, it’s wrong. That holds true for clever theÂoÂries, eleÂgant theÂoÂries, and all of the rest.
This clip is just a small outÂtake from a sevÂen-part lecÂture series that FeyÂman preÂsentÂed at CorÂnell in 1964, and the lecÂtures are all now freely availÂable on the web thanks to Bill Gates. You can watch the full series on our site, or on a MisÂcrosoft site, but be warned: if you choose the latÂter, you’ll need to downÂload MicrosoftÂ’s SilÂverlight softÂware to watch the lecÂtures.
For more free physics lessons, don’t miss our colÂlecÂtion of Free Online Physics CoursÂes, part of our largÂer colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
FeynÂman fans will also want to see this othÂer open project: The FeynÂman LecÂtures on Physics, The Most PopÂuÂlar Physics Book Ever WritÂten, Now ComÂpleteÂly Online.
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