We love findÂing these vinÂtage media gems. Below, we have MalÂcolm X speakÂing at Oxford UniÂverÂsiÂty in 1964. In this clasÂsic speech, you get a good feel for MalÂcolm X’s presÂence and mesÂsage and also the social issues that were alive durÂing the day. You’ll hear X’s famous claim that libÂerÂty can be attained by “whatÂevÂer means necÂesÂsary,” includÂing force, if the govÂernÂment won’t guarÂanÂtee it. Then there’s his notion that “intelÂliÂgentÂly directÂed extremÂism” can achieve libÂerÂty more effecÂtiveÂly than paciÂfist strateÂgies (e.g., what MLK had in mind). You can lisÂten to the speech in its entireÂty here (Real Audio), someÂthing that is well worth doing. But we’d also encourÂage you to watch (see below) the draÂmatÂic closÂing minÂutes and pay some attenÂtion to the nice rhetorÂiÂcal slide — to how we get from HamÂlet’s doubts (“To be or not to be”) to takÂing up arms against state enshrined racism. This piece of video is added to our YouTube playlist.