Smart video colÂlecÂtions keep appearÂing on YouTube. But rather antiÂthetÂiÂcal to the ethos of its parÂent comÂpaÂny (Google), YouTube unforÂtuÂnateÂly makes these colÂlecÂtions difÂfiÂcult to find. So we’ve decidÂed to do the job for them. These enriching/educational videos come from media outÂlets, culÂturÂal instiÂtuÂtions, uniÂverÂsiÂties and non-profÂits. There are about 70 colÂlecÂtions in total, and the list will grow over time. If we’re missÂing anyÂthing good, feel free to let us know, and we’ll hapÂpiÂly add them. You can find the comÂplete list below the jump.
The MidÂdle EastÂern news serÂvice, which has genÂerÂatÂed its share of conÂtroÂverÂsy, now airs broadÂcasts in EngÂlish and presents them here.
The leadÂing human rights orgaÂniÂzaÂtion brings you varÂiÂous videos outÂlinÂing human rights conÂcerns across the globe, and the work they’re doing to improve conÂdiÂtions.
A series of videos proÂmotÂing proÂgrams comÂing out of Britain’s main media outÂlet. UnforÂtuÂnateÂly many of these videos are short and not entireÂly subÂstanÂtive. A missed opporÂtuÂniÂty.
A resource designed to proÂvide insight into the comÂplex interÂnaÂtionÂal issues chalÂlengÂing polÂiÂcyÂmakÂers and citÂiÂzens alike. (more…)
Below, we have gathÂered togethÂer some of the most intelÂliÂgent video colÂlecÂtions on YouTube. A great place to find culÂturÂalÂly enrichÂing video…
The MidÂdle EastÂern news serÂvice, which has genÂerÂatÂed its share of conÂtroÂverÂsy, now airs broadÂcasts in EngÂlish and presents them here.
The leadÂing human rights orgaÂniÂzaÂtion brings you varÂiÂous videos outÂlinÂing human rights conÂcerns across the globe, and the work they’re doing to improve conÂdiÂtions.
Artists Space supÂports conÂtemÂpoÂrary artists workÂing in the visuÂal arts, video and elecÂtronÂic media, perÂforÂmance, archiÂtecÂture and design, and it proÂmotes artisÂtic experÂiÂmenÂtaÂtion and diaÂlog in conÂtemÂpoÂrary culÂture.
Bad AstronÂoÂmy is devotÂed to debunkÂing myths and misÂconÂcepÂtions about astronÂoÂmy, and also to slap down withÂout apolÂoÂgy bad thinkÂing in all its forms.
A series of videos proÂmotÂing proÂgrams comÂing out of Britain’s main media outÂlet. UnforÂtuÂnateÂly many of these videos are short and not entireÂly subÂstanÂtive. A missed opporÂtuÂniÂty.
The BFI (British Film InstiÂtute) proÂmotes underÂstandÂing and appreÂciÂaÂtion of Britain’s rich film and teleÂviÂsion herÂitage and culÂture. And it claims to have the “world’s largest and most diverse film and TV archive.”
CinetÂic brings audiÂences the latÂest, greatÂest and clasÂsic fesÂtiÂval favorites from around the globe. From award-winÂners by vetÂerÂan filmÂmakÂers to up-and-comÂing talÂent telling new stoÂries, CinetÂic prides itself on being at the foreÂfront of qualÂiÂty indie film in the digÂiÂtal space.
Videos highÂlightÂing the art colÂlecÂtion, pubÂlic proÂgrams, and temÂpoÂrary exhiÂbiÂtions at The MuseÂum of ModÂern Art in New York City.
Videos and vodÂcasts covÂerÂing sciÂence, techÂnolÂoÂgy, space, the enviÂronÂment and a whole lot more. An interÂnaÂtionÂal team of expert jourÂnalÂists brings you the latÂest innoÂvaÂtions and ideas in sciÂence and techÂnolÂoÂgy, from the wonÂderÂful to the worÂryÂing to the weird.
The offiÂcial chanÂnel of the AcadÂeÂmy of Motion PicÂture Arts and SciÂences is the only place to relive favorite Oscar® moments and see excluÂsive interÂviews with the talÂentÂed film proÂfesÂsionÂals who comÂprise the AcadÂeÂmy memÂberÂship. Includes some good vinÂtage clips.
The Pulitzer CenÂter on CriÂsis ReportÂing’s misÂsion is to proÂmote in-depth covÂerÂage of interÂnaÂtionÂal affairs, focusÂing on topÂics that have been under-reportÂed, mis-reportÂed — or not reportÂed at all.
SciÂenÂCenÂtral, Inc. proÂduces sciÂence and techÂnolÂoÂgy conÂtent for teleÂviÂsion, video, and the web. From broadÂcast news feaÂtures to eduÂcaÂtionÂal prodÂucts, they covÂer the medÂical, enviÂronÂmenÂtal, and techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal issues that affect daiÂly life.
Roger Ebert calls it one of the richÂest resources on YouTube. SpoÂken Verse offers over 400 readÂings of great poems in EngÂlish, from ShakeÂspeare to today.
This chanÂnel proÂvides a rare glimpse into the MuseÂum’s exhiÂbiÂtions, sciÂenÂtifÂic research, pubÂlic proÂgrams and eduÂcaÂtionÂal endeavÂors. Videos preÂsentÂed by the MuseÂum highÂlight its globÂal misÂsion to advance sciÂenÂtifÂic disÂcovÂery and increase underÂstandÂing of nature and human culÂtures.
Videos comÂing out of the nation’s oldÂest and largest pubÂlic affairs forum, preÂsentÂing topÂics rangÂing across polÂiÂtics, culÂture, and sociÂety.
The ComÂmon Craft Show is a series of short explanaÂtoÂry videos by Lee and Sachi LeFever. The goal is to fight comÂplexÂiÂty with simÂple tools and plain lanÂguage.
Every year, globÂal leadÂers attend the World EcoÂnomÂic Forum in Davos, SwitzerÂland to disÂcuss how to betÂter the world. Here you get to see what they have to say.
This chanÂnel feaÂtures over 800 videos that will teach stuÂdents the ins and outs of algeÂbra, geomÂeÂtry, trigonomÂeÂtry, calÂcuÂlus, staÂtisÂtics, finance, physics, ecoÂnomÂics and more. The clips have been recordÂed by Salman Khan.
TimeÂless treaÂsures and conÂtemÂpoÂrary preÂsenÂtaÂtions from the Library of ConÂgress in WashÂingÂton, D.C. FeaÂtures recordÂings datÂing from the earÂliÂest EdiÂson films to the present.
The Real News NetÂwork is a globÂal online video news netÂwork that lisÂtens to and is depenÂdent soleÂly on its audiÂence. No ads. No govÂernÂment subÂsiÂdies. No corÂpoÂrate sponÂsorÂship.
Based out of the UniÂverÂsiÂty of WashÂingÂton, the ResearchChanÂnel brings togethÂer conÂtent from leadÂing research and acaÂdÂeÂmÂic instiÂtuÂtions.
ProÂvidÂed by YouTube itself, this colÂlecÂtion presents high qualÂiÂty, indeÂpenÂdent films to web users and promisÂes to roll out four new films every two weeks.
YouTube now hosts a series of comÂplete stuÂdio movies on its site. Above, I’ve linked you directÂly to the documentary/biography secÂtion. But feel free to peruse the largÂer colÂlecÂtion. You’ll find some good films there.
In the spirÂit of ideas worth spreadÂing, TEDx is a proÂgram of local, self-orgaÂnized events that bring peoÂple togethÂer to share a TED-like expeÂriÂence.
The World EcoÂnomÂic Forum is an indeÂpenÂdent interÂnaÂtionÂal orgaÂniÂzaÂtion comÂmitÂted to improvÂing the state of the world by engagÂing leadÂers in partÂnerÂships to shape globÂal, regionÂal and indusÂtry agenÂdas.
ConÂtainÂing the world’s largest reposÂiÂtoÂry of inforÂmaÂtion on the HoloÂcaust, Yad Vashem is a leader in HoloÂcaust eduÂcaÂtion, comÂmemÂoÂraÂtion, research and docÂuÂmenÂtaÂtion.
YouTube got a lot more intelÂliÂgent when it launched YouTube EDU, a secÂtion of the site that cenÂtralÂizes all of its educational/academic conÂtent. This is the best place to start if you’re lookÂing for lecÂtures and coursÂes.
Arguably the most subÂstanÂtive YouTube colÂlecÂtion out there. FeaÂtures a large numÂber of free coursÂes, plus numerÂous lecÂtures givÂen by imporÂtant figÂures.
HarÂvard was late to the Web 2.0 parÂty, but they finalÂly have their chanÂnel up on YouTube, and it conÂtains some worthÂwhile conÂtent, includÂing Michael Sandel’s famous course on JusÂtice.
PreÂsentÂed by the leadÂing techÂnolÂoÂgy instiÂtutes in India, this colÂlecÂtion feaÂtures more than 50 free coursÂes. ObviÂousÂly has a strong technology/engineering bent.
Hard to sepÂaÂrate the intelÂlecÂtuÂal subÂstance from videos that have a more proÂmoÂtionÂal & interÂnal bent. But some of the forÂmer is there to be found.
Rather interÂnalÂly focused. Not much in the way of eduÂcaÂtionÂal conÂtent per se. But let’s keep our finÂgers crossed that it evenÂtuÂalÂly offers more.
The Open UniÂverÂsiÂty (OU) is the UnitÂed KingÂdom’s only uniÂverÂsiÂty dedÂiÂcatÂed to disÂtance learnÂing. Some of the more eduÂcaÂtionÂal videos can befound here.
UCTV pulls togethÂer videos from the camÂpusÂes, nationÂal labÂoÂraÂtoÂries, and affilÂiÂatÂed instiÂtuÂtions of the UniÂverÂsiÂty of CalÂiÂforÂnia.
A nice uniÂverÂsiÂty-sponÂsored project, this colÂlecÂtion feaÂtures a video about each eleÂment on the periÂodÂic table. A handy thing for chemÂistry stuÂdents.
UCSF, one of the leadÂing medÂical schools in the US, feaÂtures videos that will “eduÂcate patients, careÂgivers and health proÂfesÂsionÂals about the varÂiÂous forms of neuÂrodeÂgenÂerÂaÂtive disÂeases.” The disÂeases covÂered here include Alzheimer’s, FronÂtotemÂpoÂral demenÂtia and Creutzfelt-Jakob
Here’s a nice counÂterÂpoint to our post last week covÂerÂing Susan Jacoby’s new book The Age of AmerÂiÂcan UnreaÂson and her lament that AmerÂiÂca has declined into a morass of anti-intelÂlecÂtuÂalÂism and low expecÂtaÂtions.
Let’s set the scene: A reporter selects a young Barack ObaÂma supÂportÂer at a ralÂly and starts pepÂperÂing him with quesÂtions about the canÂdiÂdate. And it all feels like a staged effort to demonÂstrate that the mobiÂlized youth has no real hanÂdle on the issues. He’s just blindÂly buyÂing the hype. WithÂout wastÂing time, the reporter leads the young man into a conÂverÂsaÂtion on the comÂplexÂiÂties of health care. It’s the perÂfect setÂup. But then it sudÂdenÂly becomes clear that the reporter chose the wrong kid (who is a natÂuÂralÂized immiÂgrant, by the way) to play the fool. Watch the video below (and check out this folÂlow up video that gives you more of the back stoÂry).
Below we have postÂed the last lecÂture that Lawrence Lessig will ever present on Free CulÂture. It’s an area where he has spent the past decade workÂing, and this talk offers an excelÂlent introÂducÂtion to Lessig’s thought and work on this issue. GivÂen at StanÂford on JanÂuÂary 31, the preÂsenÂtaÂtion is one that Steve Jobs could appreÂciÂate. Very well done. So give it a watch below (or here). Also, if you’d like to get free digÂiÂtal copies of Lessig’s major writÂings on Free CulÂture, look here.
As for what Lessig plans to do next. He has talked about comÂbatÂing corÂrupÂtion in WashÂingÂton (someÂthing he talks about here). That’s part of the plan, but he may do it by runÂning for ConÂgress. Read this artiÂcle in the Wall Street JourÂnal and check out the new site:
What set the stage for SilÂiÂcon ValÂley to change the entire landÂscape of techÂnolÂoÂgy? What made comÂpaÂnies like Google, Yahoo and Hewlett Packard posÂsiÂble? AccordÂing to this talk preÂsentÂed at Google by Steve Blank, it all goes back to the afterÂmath of World War II. It starts when StanÂford UniÂverÂsiÂty and its engineering/electronics departÂment began to focus heavÂiÂly on milÂiÂtary R&D. And it conÂtinÂues durÂing the KoreÂan War, when the UniÂverÂsiÂty starts develÂopÂing new techÂnoloÂgies that conÂtribute to milÂiÂtary intelÂliÂgence (or what Blank calls “spook work”) and varÂiÂous weapons sysÂtems. The next thing you know you’ve got a brain trust in the Bay Area that starts spinÂning out comÂpaÂnies lik Fairchild SemiÂconÂducÂtor, the father of all semiÂconÂducÂtor comÂpaÂnies, and, with that, SilÂiÂcon ValÂley becomes SilÂiÂcon ValÂley.
If you’re a resÂiÂdent of a Super TuesÂday state, we hope you can find some time to pull the lever tomorÂrow. Also, we hope you’ll forÂgive (at least) one more politÂiÂcal post before Super TuesÂday. WhatÂevÂer your politÂiÂcal affilÂiÂaÂtions, the video below is a comÂpelling examÂple of new media at work. AccordÂing to the New York Times’ politÂiÂcal blog, the lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas roundÂed up 30 or so celebriÂties and put togethÂer this video set to the soundÂtrack of Barack ObaÂma’s conÂcesÂsion speech in New HampÂshire. Because the group worked for free and editÂed the video on their own, they turned the project around in two days. The effect is powÂerÂful (and the video is added to our YouTube Playlist). You can see ObaÂma’s origÂiÂnal speech here.
What does the SecÂond AmendÂment mean? It’s someÂthing that the Supreme Court has nevÂer realÂly said. In this hour long video, Cass SunÂstein, a very well known law proÂfesÂsor from the UniÂverÂsiÂty of ChicaÂgo, takes a crack at interÂpretÂing this amendÂment and seeÂing whether its origÂiÂnal meanÂing actuÂalÂly conÂfers the right to bear arms. Originalists/conservatives probÂaÂbly won’t like his conÂcluÂsions, and they may be inclined to disÂmiss this as a talk givÂen by anothÂer libÂerÂal elitÂist. But they should keep in mind that SunÂstein actuÂalÂly saw the Bush adminÂisÂtraÂtion’s wireÂtapÂping as havÂing a plauÂsiÂble legal basis, and he’s had anyÂthing but a harsh assessÂment of John Roberts’ track record as a judge.
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