America Needs More Palin … Michael Palin, That Is

Below, some vin­tage Mon­ty Python footage… (And see our relat­ed piece: 150 Mon­ty Python Sketch­es.

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The 50 Greatest Arts Videos on YouTube

One of our British read­ers turned us on to this post by the Guardian, not­ing that they took a page from our gen­er­al play­book. The post fea­tures 50 of the best YouTube clips from across the arts, some of which we’ve fea­tured here in the past. Among the videos, you’ll find vin­tage per­for­mances by John Coltrane and Bil­lie Hol­i­day, read­ings by Jack Ker­ouac, an inter­view with Eugène Ionesco, clips of Nir­vana rehears­ing in a garage, Vladimir Nabokov talk­ing about Loli­ta, Jack­son Pol­lock drip­ping paint out­side his home, and Mar­lon Bran­do doing a screen test for Rebel With­out a Cause. We have post­ed the Bran­do clip below. There are some def­i­nite gems here. Now dive in. And don’t for­get to work through our YouTube playlist and our piece 70 Signs of Intel­li­gent Life at YouTube, where you’ll find enrich­ing video col­lec­tions.

Thanks Stephen for the tip. And read­ers, keep the good rec­om­men­da­tions com­ing!

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Jean-Luc Godard Meets Woody Allen

Filmed in 1986, Meetin’ WA is a short (26 minute) film that not many have seen. What you get is Godard, one of the dri­ving forces behind La Nou­velle Vague, in con­ver­sa­tion with Woody Allen. The trade­mark Godard approach to film, the expect­ed dose of Woody Allen neu­roses — they’re all there. Hat tip to Metafil­ter for bring­ing this one to light.

Leni Riefenstahl’s Olympia: Diving at the ’36 Games

Pro­duced at the request of the Inter­na­tion­al Olympics Com­mit­tee (and not at the behest of the Nazi pro­pa­gan­da machine), Leni Riefen­stahl’s 1938 doc­u­men­tary, Olympia, is con­sid­ered one of the more impor­tant sports doc­u­men­taries of the 20th cen­tu­ry. Below, we have post­ed a well known sequence that recalls the div­ing com­pe­ti­tion at the ’36 Berlin Games.

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Isaac Hayes Performs Shaft Live, 1973

We lost anoth­er good one:

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What Wikipedia Founder, Jimmy Wales, Thinks about Knol, the New Google Competitor

Here is Jim­my Wales, Wikipedi­a’s founder, being inter­viewed after Google debuted Knol. Inter­est­ing that his first thought is that users should copy Knol con­tent and bring it to Wikipedia … :

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The Great Dictator: A Classic Chaplin Moment

It’s 1940. The film is The Great Dic­ta­tor, Char­lie Chap­lin’s famous satire of Nazi Ger­many. In this cel­e­brat­ed scene, Chap­lin dances with a large globe with Richard Wag­n­er’s Lohen­grin Over­ture play­ing in the back­ground.

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Watch Complete Documentary Films For Free (Featuring Super-Size Me)

Joerg, one of our read­ers, wrote us rather joy­ful­ly and declared: “Today I found the site of my dreams: Sup­pos­ed­ly most of the great­est new doc­u­men­taries can be watched online” and they’re “financed by ads.” The site is called Snag­Films, and indeed, it finds “the world‘s most com­pelling doc­u­men­taries, whether from estab­lished heavy­weights or first-time film­mak­ers, and mak[es] them avail­able to the wide audi­ence these titles deserve.” In exchange for mak­ing the films free, you do have to sit through some ads, but it is per­haps a small price to pay. Below we have post­ed Super Size Me, the 2004 doc­u­men­tary by Mor­gan Spur­lock, which offers some star­tling com­men­tary on the fast food indus­try. Oth­er notable titles include the 2004 rock doc­u­men­tary Dig!, Under Our Skin, and Run Granny Run. You can see their full col­lec­tion here.

NOTE: You can find this film in our col­lec­tion of free online movies.

Relat­ed Con­tent:

YouTube’s New Screen­ing Room (Free Indie Films)

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