D.A. PenÂnebakÂer’s clasÂsic 1967 docÂuÂmenÂtary Don’t Look Back will be re-released on Blu-Ray on April 24. As a feaÂtured extra, it will include this terÂrifÂic remÂiÂnisÂcence between PenÂnebakÂer and music journalist/cultural critÂic Greil MarÂcus, who wrote two of our favorite Dylan books: The Old, Weird AmerÂiÂca: Bob Dylan’s BaseÂment Tapes and Like a Rolling Stone: Bob Dylan at the CrossÂroads.
Our othÂer favorite is of course litÂerÂary critÂic ChristoÂpher Ricks’ nutÂty and wonÂderÂful Dylan’s Vision of Sin. Ricks and MarÂcus approach the artist through very difÂferÂent prisms — for a fun chance to comÂpare and conÂtrast, check out their recent joint lecÂture at the HeyÂman School for the HumanÂiÂties. (The video clocks in at over an hour and forty minÂutes, too long for some, not nearÂly long enough for the Dylan-obsessed.)
via FlaÂvorÂwire
SheerÂly Avni is a San FranÂcisÂco-based arts and culÂture writer. Her work has appeared in Salon, LA WeekÂly, MothÂer Jones, and many othÂer pubÂliÂcaÂtions. You can folÂlow her on twitÂter at @sheerly.