As I gathÂer mateÂrÂiÂal for the blog, I often come across conÂtent that’s interÂestÂing, but not quite right for the blog. It seemed like TwitÂter might be a good place to add this bonus mateÂrÂiÂal. So from here on out, I’ll casuÂalÂly add some extra conÂtent there. Today, I just menÂtioned how you can get 50% off of some clasÂsic AmerÂiÂcan litÂerÂaÂture. Check out our TwitÂter feed here.
This is just a quick note to let you know that you can now folÂlow Open CulÂture on TwitÂter. If you subÂscribe, you’ll know whenÂevÂer we post someÂthing new on the site. To get going, creÂate a TwitÂter account (if you don’t already have one), access our TwitÂter page here, and then click the word “FolÂlow” beneath our logo, and you’ll be all set. If you’re wonÂderÂing what TwitÂter is all about, you can watch this handy video.
As you probÂaÂbly know, Open CulÂture launched a new look last week, and it seemed worth devotÂing a few words to it. With the new design, I was hopÂing to give the site a more invitÂing look and streamÂline the overÂall navÂiÂgaÂtion. I was also hopÂing to make it clear that user conÂtriÂbuÂtions are always welÂcome. If you have tips on good media, send them our way. And if you ever want to write a guest blog post, please feel free to let me know what you have in mind. The more indiÂvidÂual readÂers conÂtribute, the more our comÂmuÂniÂty of readÂers benÂeÂfits.
I defÂiÂniteÂly want to send a word of thanks to the folks at Rolling Orange, who hanÂdled all of the design and impleÂmenÂtaÂtion. An excelÂlent group to work with. Also, I want to thank Eric OberÂle who has been very genÂerÂous with his tech supÂport since the beginÂning.
LastÂly, this is a great time to ask you what you would like to see from Open CulÂture in the future. What should the site do more of? What should it do less of? What good things haven’t we thought about? Your input would be realÂly appreÂciÂatÂed. Feel free to send thoughts from the conÂtact page, or add any thoughts in the comÂments secÂtion below. Thanks in advance to all…
A quick fyi: If you made a New Year’s resÂoÂluÂtion to become a seriÂous writer, then you might be interÂestÂed in these online writÂing coursÂes offered by StanÂford ConÂtinÂuÂing StudÂies (which, caveat empÂtor, I help overÂsee) and StanÂford’s CreÂative WritÂing ProÂgram. These online coursÂes give beginÂning and advanced writÂers, no matÂter where they live, the chance to refine their craft with giftÂed writÂing instrucÂtors. ClassÂes start next week. UnforÂtuÂnateÂly some are already full … and they are not free. For more inforÂmaÂtion, click here, or sepÂaÂrateÂly check out the FAQ. And, if you live in the San FranÂcisÂco Bay Area, feel free to look through the coursÂes takÂing place on the StanÂford camÂpus.
We have reached the final week of the presÂiÂdenÂtial elecÂtions course. This week, MarÂtin Lewis slices and dices the elecÂtoral results of the ’08 elecÂtion and highÂlights the big and potenÂtialÂly far-reachÂing shifts in US votÂing patÂterns. No doubt, this is one of the more detailed analyÂses that you’ll find on the web. You can watch the last lecÂture in highÂer resÂoÂluÂtion on iTuneÂsU here, or watch it below on YouTube. The comÂplete course will be perÂmaÂnentÂly housed in our colÂlecÂtion of Free Online CoursÂes under GeogÂraÂphy and PolitÂiÂcal SciÂence.
In case you were wonÂderÂing what kind of media we would be most hunÂgry for in hard times (big budÂget action movies? escapist sit-coms), don’t forÂget that this is recesÂsion 3.0. IntroÂducÂing The pupÂpy cam, with 22,000 viewÂers and countÂing. The shibu pupÂpies are adorable, worÂry-free, and of course, non-union. Click here and tell us are you not enterÂtained? (Thanks SA for the tip.)
We have now postÂed LecÂture 2 of our ongoÂing course, The GeogÂraÂphy of US PresÂiÂdenÂtial ElecÂtions, preÂsentÂed by StanÂford’s ConÂtinÂuÂing StudÂies proÂgram. You can downÂload it via TuneÂsU here (in high res) or you can watch it embedÂded below. This week, ProÂfesÂsor MarÂtin Lewis takes you through AmerÂiÂca’s earÂly forÂmaÂtive elecÂtions, startÂing with WashÂingÂton and JefÂferÂsonÂ’s elecÂtoral vicÂtoÂries and movÂing through the transÂforÂmaÂtive CivÂil War. To watch the first lecÂture, click here. And to ask ProÂfesÂsor Lewis quesÂtions about the secÂond lecÂture, just click here. And keep in mind, this is all free. For more free coursÂes, check out our big colÂlecÂtion here.
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Open Culture scours the web for the best educational media. We find the free courses and audio books you need, the language lessons & educational videos you want, and plenty of enlightenment in between.