A quick fyi: This mornÂing, StanÂford ConÂtinÂuÂing StudÂies opened up regÂisÂtraÂtion for its spring lineÂup of online writÂing coursÂes. Offered in partÂnerÂship with the StanÂford CreÂative WritÂing ProÂgram (one of the most disÂtinÂguished writÂing proÂgrams in the counÂtry), these online coursÂes give beginÂning and advanced writÂers, no matÂter where they live, the chance to refine their craft with giftÂed writÂing instrucÂtors.
As you will see, there are a couÂple of coursÂes offered in conÂjuncÂtion with The New York Times. The idea here is that you’ll learn writÂing from a StanÂford writÂing instrucÂtor and then get your work reviewed by a Times book critÂic. Quite a perk, I must say.
For more inforÂmaÂtion, click here, or sepÂaÂrateÂly check out the FAQ.
Caveat empÂtor: These classÂes are not free, and I helped set them up. So while I wholeÂheartÂedÂly believe in these coursÂes, you can take my views with a grain of salt.
- CreÂative NonÂficÂtion with The New York Times (one spot left)
- WritÂing FicÂtion with The New York Times
- FicÂtion I: BeginÂning Short StoÂry WritÂing
- FicÂtion II: VoicÂes That Live
- TravÂel WritÂing
- MagÂaÂzine WritÂing
- IntroÂducÂtion to CreÂative WritÂing
- Putting a Spin on SciÂence WritÂing
- NovÂel WritÂing III: A Plan for SucÂcess
- MemÂoir I: What I Saw, What I Wore, What I Ate, and More