By now, milÂlions of web users have watched Miss Teen South CarÂoliÂna explain in morÂtiÂfyÂing fashÂion (see below) why many AmerÂiÂcans can’t find the UnitÂed States on a map. And, in their own uninÂtendÂed way, her comÂments effecÂtiveÂly answered the quesÂtion posed to her. EduÂcaÂtion simÂply isn’t what it should be in AmerÂiÂca. And that holds true for many othÂer nations.
All of this sets the stage for explainÂing Open CulÂture’s reaÂson for being. Put simÂply, we try to put peoÂple, no matÂter what their age or where they live, in a posiÂtion to conÂtinÂue learnÂing and improvÂing themÂselves. With the help of our podÂcast colÂlecÂtions, you can now start learnÂing over 25 forÂeign lanÂguages, lisÂten to over 100 audioÂbooks, includÂing clasÂsic works in litÂerÂaÂture, poetÂry and phiÂlosÂoÂphy, and take over 75 comÂplete coursÂes from some of the world’s leadÂing uniÂverÂsiÂties (MIT, StanÂford, UC BerkeÂley, Oxford, etc.). Our podÂcast library includes many more eduÂcaÂtionÂal resources as well, and the best part is that they’re comÂpleteÂly free. Hours of free eduÂcaÂtion are at your disÂposÂal whenÂevÂer you want it. To benÂeÂfit, you simÂply need the desire and the will, and the abilÂiÂty to use podÂcasts. (If you don’t know how, simÂply read our PodÂcast Primer. We’ll get you up to speed.) We hope that you profÂit from these podÂcast colÂlecÂtions and our daiÂly posts (subÂscribe to our feed), and, if they can benÂeÂfit a friend, please let them know about us at
P.S. For those who want to bone up on geogÂraÂphy, check out GeogÂraÂphy of World CulÂtures on iTunes. This inforÂmaÂtive course was taught by MarÂtin Lewis at StanÂford UniÂverÂsiÂty.