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A quick reminder: we’re always adding more good cul­tur­al con­tent to our Twit­ter stream. Give us a fol­low at @openculture, and we’ll keep send­ing curat­ed cul­ture (in the form of tweets and retweets) your way. So far 6,200+ read­ers have joined us there. If you appre­ci­ate what Open Cul­ture is all about, it’s a must.

You can also access Open Cul­ture on Face­book. Become a Fan (or give us a Like — what­ev­er the lat­est lin­go may be), and we’ll drop our dai­ly con­tent into your Face­book News Feed. This will give you an easy way to keep tabs on us and share the knowl­edge with your friends. Thanks for join­ing us, and spread­ing the word. Enjoy the rest of the week­end.

Writing the U.S. Constitution (in Tweets)

223 years ago today, the Con­sti­tu­tion­al Con­ven­tion start­ed meet­ing secret­ly in Philadel­phia. Sev­er­al months lat­er, the meet­ings end­ed with the sign­ing of the US Con­sti­tu­tion. Start­ing today, the Nation­al Con­sti­tu­tion Cen­ter will use Twit­ter to reen­act the events of the Con­ven­tion. You can fol­low @SecretDelegate, a mys­te­ri­ous insid­er, who will show you what hap­pened inside the pri­vate pro­ceed­ings. The “Twit­ter Con­ven­tion” will con­clude on Sep­tem­ber 17, when the Con­sti­tu­tion was signed, and only then will the true iden­ti­ty of @SecretDelegate be revealed. You can be among the first to fol­low these tweets.

Look­ing for more Open Cul­ture? Find us on Twit­ter at @openculture.

Culture Tweets of the Week — March 13

Guar­an­teed to make you smarter, or your mon­ey back. You can fol­low us on Twit­ter here. (Or become a Face­book fan.) Here they go:

Tweets of the Week — February 20

A quick wrap up of the cul­tur­al items we tweet­ed and re-tweet­ed this week via our Twit­ter stream. You can start fol­low­ing us here: @openculture

Tweets of the Week (2/13)

Why let good tweets (and re-tweets) go to waste? Each week, we’re going to list some of the cul­tur­al good­ies that appeared in our Twit­ter stream. You can start fol­low­ing Open Cul­ture on Twit­ter here.

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