The Future of Collaborative Culture?

wales3.jpgI just heard Jim­my Wales, founder of Wikipedia, speak­ing at Stan­ford Law School today. Wales is work­ing on some new projects that he hopes will har­ness the com­mu­ni­ty-dri­ven col­lab­o­ra­tion of Wikipedia. He’s already had some suc­cess in branch­ing out from the ency­clo­pe­dia idea with Wikia, which is a “wiki farm” com­pil­ing infor­ma­tion on a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent sub­jects (some of the most suc­cess­ful so far relate to video games).

What Wales spoke about today, how­ev­er, is a new col­lab­o­ra­tive search project. The con­cept is still in its ear­ly stages, it seems, but the idea would be to har­ness the intel­li­gence and ded­i­ca­tion of human beings to pro­duce search results sig­nif­i­cant­ly bet­ter than Google’s. This rais­es a few ques­tions:

Is Google bro­ken? It’s amaz­ing what Google pulls up, but maybe we’ve all got­ten so good at work­ing with an imper­fect sys­tem that we just tune out the spam and mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tions that still crop up.

Is a col­lab­o­ra­tive social mod­el the appro­pri­ate solu­tion to this prob­lem? Peo­ple are good at com­pil­ing ency­clo­pe­dias, but they may not be good at emu­lat­ing search rank algo­rithms. Also, Google is pow­ered by mil­lions of servers in dozens of data cen­ters over the world man­ag­ing petabytes of infor­ma­tion. In oth­er words, this may be a technology+money busi­ness, not a people+transparency busi­ness.

These issues aside, Wikipedia is one of the most amaz­ing things to come out of the whole Inter­net exper­i­ment, so I’m excit­ed to see what Wales comes up with. Has search become a basic ser­vice? Would it work bet­ter as an open-source sys­tem?

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Hannibal on iTunes: From the Classical World to Archaeology Today

hannibal2.jpgLet me elab­o­rate on an item that we touched upon very briefly ear­li­er this week. Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty has rolled out a new free course on iTunes (lis­ten here) that takes you inside the life and adven­tures of Han­ni­bal, the great Carthagin­ian mil­i­tary tac­ti­cian who maneu­vered his way across the Alps and stunned Roman armies in 218 BCE. Pre­sent­ed by Patrick Hunt, the author of the new­ly-released Ten Dis­cov­er­ies That Rewrote His­to­ry, the class also gives you glimpses into cut­ting-edge trends in mod­ern archae­ol­o­gy.

The course, orig­i­nal­ly pre­sent­ed in Stan­ford’s Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies Pro­gram, will be rolled out in install­ments over the next sev­er­al weeks. Sep­a­rate­ly you can lis­ten to a stand­alone lec­ture that Hunt gave on Han­ni­bal short­ly before the start of the course. (Lis­ten on iTunes here.) For more cours­es like these, check out our pod­cast col­lec­tion of free uni­ver­si­ty cours­es.

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Course Descrip­tion for Han­ni­bal

“Han­ni­bal is a name that evoked fear among the ancient Romans for decades. His courage, cun­ning and intre­pid march across the dan­ger­ous Alps in 218 bce with his army and war ele­phants make for some of the most excit­ing pas­sages found in ancient his­tor­i­cal texts writ­ten by Poly­bius, Livy, and Appi­an. And they con­tin­ue to inspire his­to­ri­ans and archae­ol­o­gists today. The mys­tery of his exact route is still a top­ic of debate, one that has con­sumed Patrick Hunt (Direc­tor of Stanford’s Alpine Archae­ol­o­gy Project) for more than a decade.

This course exam­ines Hannibal’s child­hood and his young sol­dier­ly exploits in Spain. Then it fol­lows him over the Pyre­nees and into Gaul, the Alps, Italy, and beyond, exam­in­ing his vic­to­ries over the Romans, his bril­liance as a mil­i­tary strate­gist, and his lega­cy after the Punic Wars. Along the way, stu­dents will learn about archae­ol­o­gists’ efforts to retrace Hannibal’s jour­ney through the Alps and the cut­ting-edge meth­ods that they are using. Hunt has been on foot over every major Alpine pass and has now deter­mined the most prob­a­ble sites where archae­o­log­i­cal evi­dence can be found to help solve the mys­tery.”

Straight Talk about Stem Cells: Another Stanford Course via Podcast

stem5.jpgLast week, we men­tioned The Future of the Inter­net. This week it’s anoth­er course avail­able as a free pod­cast : Straight Talk About Stem Cells (iTunes).

The course was taught by Christo­pher Scott, the Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of Stan­ford’s Pro­gram on Stem Cells in Soci­ety and the author of Stem Cell Now: An Intro­duc­tion to the Com­ing Med­ical Rev­o­lu­tion. Orig­i­nal­ly taught with­in Stan­ford’s Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies pro­gram, the course was designed with the gen­er­al pub­lic in mind. So it should be quite acces­si­ble. You can now down­load three of the total five lec­tures. Two more will be com­ing soon. (Get it on iTunes here.) Here is the orig­i­nal course descrip­tion for the course.

Biol­o­gy’s Brave New World: Straight Talk about Stem Cells

No area of sci­ence holds such promise for treat­ing dis­ease and improv­ing human lives as stem cell research. But no area of sci­ence caus­es such fun­da­men­tal eth­i­cal con­cern and such fero­cious polit­i­cal con­flict. In this short course, stu­dents will learn the fun­da­men­tals of stem cell biol­o­gy, and study how these pow­er­ful cells could be used to make func­tion­al organs, treat dia­betes or repair spinal cord injuries. With the sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy firm­ly in hand, we will jour­ney into the deep reach­es of the con­tro­ver­sy and exam­ine the inter­na­tion­al explo­sion of stem cell research and how law and pol­i­cy are affect­ing long-held Amer­i­can dom­i­nance in cell biol­o­gy. New sci­ence often pro­vokes a rede­f­i­n­i­tion of eth­i­cal stan­dards. Stem cells have reignit­ed the debate about the embryo, abor­tion, and sci­ence run amok. We will leave the shrill rhetoric behind, dis­cussing the ques­tion at the heart of the debate: How, as a soci­ety, do we bal­ance our respon­si­bil­i­ties to the unborn and the sick?

Check out our larg­er col­lec­tion of free uni­ver­si­ty cours­es.

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The Future of the Internet: A New Stanford Course

Here is a new and free course to come out of a Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty pro­gram that (full dis­clo­sure) I help orga­nize. It’s called The Future of the Inter­net: Archi­tec­ture and Pol­i­cy (iTunes), and it’s taught by Ramesh Johari. The course, designed for non-techies, gets into the impor­tant ques­tion of whether the inter­net will remain “neu­tral” and freely avail­able to you and me. This course will appeal to any­one who has ever liked the work of Lawrence Lessig. (Please note that we’ll be rolling out a cou­ple more lec­tures in this course on a rolling basis.)

Check out the com­plete course descrip­tion below (and click here for many more free uni­ver­si­ty cours­es):

“The Inter­net today has evolved a long way from its hum­ble begin­nings as a fed­er­al­ly fund­ed research project. As a soci­ety, we find our­selves increas­ing­ly depen­dent on the Inter­net for our dai­ly rou­tine; and yet, the future of the Inter­net remains a mat­ter of vig­or­ous polit­i­cal, eco­nom­ic, and aca­d­e­m­ic debate. This debate cen­ters around own­er­ship: who will own the infra­struc­ture, and who will own the con­tent that the net­work deliv­ers? Unfor­tu­nate­ly, most of this debate does not involve a sub­stan­tive dis­cus­sion of the “archi­tec­ture” of the net­work, or the role that archi­tec­tur­al design will play in shap­ing the own­er­ship of the future glob­al net­work.

This course pro­vides a non-tech­ni­cal intro­duc­tion to the archi­tec­ture of the Inter­net, present and future. Stu­dents will be tak­en on a tour through the inner work­ings of the net­work, with a view toward how these details inform the cur­rent debate about “net­work neu­tral­i­ty” and the own­er­ship of the future Inter­net.”

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Five Stanford Courses Available as Free Podcasts on iTunes

Over the past six months, Stan­ford has released sev­er­al pod­casts of full-fledged cours­es on iTunes. This past week, the uni­ver­si­ty released yet anoth­er — The Geog­ra­phy of World Cul­tures. You can now down­load five cours­es in total, all for free.Below, you’ll find links to each course, plus descrip­tions of what ground each course cov­ers. Please note that some of these cours­es can be down­loaded in full right now, while oth­ers are being released in week­ly install­ments. If you sub­scribe, you’ll receive all new install­ments when they come out.

For more pod­casts from lead­ing uni­ver­si­ties, please vis­it our Uni­ver­si­ty Pod­cast Col­lec­tion.

1. The His­tor­i­cal Jesus

Who was the his­tor­i­cal Jesus of Nazareth? What did he actu­al­ly say and do, as con­trast­ed with what ear­ly Chris­tians (e.g., Paul and the Gospel writ­ers) believed that he said and did? What did the man Jesus actu­al­ly think of him­self and of his mis­sion, as con­trast­ed with the mes­sian­ic and even divine claims that the New Tes­ta­ment makes about him? In short, what are the dif­fer­ences — and con­ti­nu­ities — between the Jesus who lived and died in his­to­ry and the Christ who lives on in believ­ers’ faith?

Over the last four decades his­tor­i­cal schol­ar­ship on Jesus and his times — whether con­duct­ed by Jews, Chris­tians, or non-believ­ers — has arrived at a strong con­sen­sus about what this unde­ni­ably his­tor­i­cal fig­ure (born ca. 4 BCE, died ca. 30 CE) said and did, and how e pre­sent­ed him­self and his mes­sage to his Jew­ish audi­ence. Often that his­tor­i­cal evi­dence about Jesus does not eas­i­ly dove­tail with the tra­di­tion­al doc­trines of Chris­tian­i­ty. How then might one adju­di­cate those con­flict­ing claims?

This is a course about his­to­ry, not about faith or the­ol­o­gy. It will exam­ine the best avail­able lit­er­ary and his­tor­i­cal evi­dence about Jesus and his times and will dis­cuss method­olo­gies for inter­pret­ing that evi­dence, in order to help par­tic­i­pants make their own judg­ments and draw their own con­clu­sions.

Thomas Shee­han, Pro­fes­sor of Reli­gious Stud­ies and Pro­fes­sor Emer­i­tus of Phi­los­o­phy

Thomas Shee­han joined Stan­ford’s Reli­gious Stud­ies fac­ul­ty in 1999 after teach­ing phi­los­o­phy for 30 years in the Unit­ed States and Italy. His inter­ests embrace clas­si­cal Greek and medieval phi­los­o­phy, 20th-cen­tu­ry Ger­man phi­los­o­phy and its rela­tion to reli­gious ques­tions, and Cen­tral Amer­i­can lib­er­a­tion move­ments. His many books and pub­li­ca­tions include: Becom­ing Hei­deg­ger (2006); Edmund Husserl: Psy­cho­log­i­cal and Tran­scen­den­tal Phe­nom­e­nol­o­gy and the Encounter with Hei­deg­ger (1997); Karl Rah­n­er: The Philo­soph­i­cal Foun­da­tions (1987); The First Com­ing: How the King­dom of God Became Chris­tian­i­ty (1986); and Hei­deg­ger, the Man and the Thinker (1981).

2. Mod­ern The­o­ret­i­cal Physics: Quan­tum Entan­gle­ment (Video)

The old Copen­hagen inter­pre­ta­tion of quan­tum mechan­ics asso­ci­at­ed with Niels Bohr is giv­ing way to a more pro­found inter­pre­ta­tion based on the idea of quan­tum entan­gle­ment. Entan­gle­ment not only replaces the obso­lete notion of the col­lapse of the wave func­tion but is also the basis for Bell’s famous the­o­rem, the new par­a­digm of quan­tum com­put­ing, and final­ly the wide­ly dis­cussed “Many Worlds” inter­pre­ta­tion of quan­tum mechan­ics by Everett.

This course stands on its own, but also serves as a con­tin­u­a­tion of a year-long course look­ing at the basics of quan­tum mechan­ics, entan­gle­ment, Bell’s the­o­rems, ele­ments of quan­tum com­put­ing, quan­tum tele­por­ta­tion, and sim­i­lar mate­r­i­al.

Leonard Susskind, Felix Bloch Pro­fes­sor in Physics

Leonard Susskind received a PhD from Cor­nell Uni­ver­si­ty and has been a pro­fes­sor at Stan­ford since 1979. He has won both the Pregel Award from the New York Acad­e­my of Sci­ence and the J.J. Saku­rai Prize in the­o­ret­i­cal par­ti­cle physics. His cur­rent research inter­ests include the struc­ture of hadrons, instan­tons, quark con­fine­ment, and quan­tum cos­mol­o­gy. He is a mem­ber of the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Sci­ences.

3. Vir­gil’s Aeneid: Anato­my of a Clas­sic

The cen­tral text in the canon of Latin lit­er­a­ture is Virgil’s Aeneid, an epic poem in twelve books com­posed more than two thou­sand years ago under the Roman emper­or Augus­tus. The poem was an instant hit. It became a school text imme­di­ate­ly and has remained cen­tral to stud­ies of Roman cul­ture to the present day. How can a poem cre­at­ed in such a remote lit­er­ary and social envi­ron­ment speak so elo­quent­ly to sub­se­quent ages? In this course we will dis­cov­er what kind of poem this is and what kind of hero Aeneas is. Our stud­ies will focus chiefly on the poem itself and on wider aspects of Roman cul­ture. It will be essen­tial to com­mit to read­ing the poem ahead of time, at a rate of about 100 pages per week. We will use the ener­getic trans­la­tion by Robert Fitzger­ald.

Susan­na Braund, Pro­fes­sor of Clas­sics

Susan­na Braund arrived at Stan­ford from Yale in 2004. Pri­or to that, she taught in the UK for twen­ty years, at the uni­ver­si­ties of Exeter, Bris­tol, and Lon­don. She is the author, edi­tor, and trans­la­tor of numer­ous books and papers on Latin lit­er­a­ture, espe­cial­ly Roman satire and epic poet­ry, includ­ing an intro­duc­to­ry vol­ume enti­tled Latin Lit­er­a­ture (Rout­ledge, 2002). Her pas­sion for mak­ing con­nec­tions between antiq­ui­ty and the mod­ern world is reflect­ed in her reg­u­lar radio broad­casts for KZSU called “Myth Made Mod­ern.”

4. Geog­ra­phy of World Cul­tures

Despite the sup­pos­ed­ly homog­e­niz­ing effects of glob­al­iza­tion, peo­ple con­tin­ue to be joined togeth­er and divid­ed asun­der by the lan­guages they speak, the reli­gions they fol­low, and the eth­nic iden­ti­ties to which they belong. Such cul­tur­al fea­tures all have spe­cif­ic geo­gra­phies, tied to par­tic­u­lar places. But while cul­tur­al-geo­graph­i­cal terms such as “the Ara­bic world” and “the Islam­ic world” are used ubiq­ui­tous­ly, many peo­ple remain uncer­tain where such “worlds” are and how they dif­fer from each oth­er.

The pur­pose of this map-inten­sive course is to explore the loca­tion­al dynam­ics of the world’s lan­guages, reli­gions, and eth­nic group­ings. We will exam­ine every world region, seek­ing to under­stand how places vary from each oth­er with regard to the cul­tur­al attrib­ut­es of their inhab­i­tants. The course will explore the his­tor­i­cal forces that have gen­er­at­ed cul­tur­al diver­si­ty, and will care­ful­ly exam­ine the process­es of con­tem­po­rary trans­for­ma­tion.

Mar­tin Lewis, Lec­tur­er in His­to­ry, Inter­im Direc­tor, Pro­gram in Inter­na­tion­al Rela­tions

Mar­tin Lewis received a PhD from UC Berke­ley in geog­ra­phy. He is the author or co-author of four books, includ­ing The Myth of Con­ti­nents: A Cri­tique of Meta­geog­ra­phy (with Karen Wigen) and Diver­si­ty Amid Glob­al­iza­tion: World Regions, Envi­ron­ment, Devel­op­ment (with Lester Rown­tree, Marie Price, and William Wyck­off).

5. The Lit­er­a­ture of Cri­sis

Most human lives con­tain major turn­ing points: crises that trans­form an individual’s future devel­op­ment. On a much larg­er scale, cul­tures under­go crises too: polit­i­cal, intel­lec­tu­al, and reli­gious changes that alter for­ev­er the course of human his­to­ry. This course will focus on both kinds of cri­sis.

We will con­sid­er the per­son­al upheavals brought about by the polit­i­cal, social, reli­gious, and erot­ic ties of our authors and their char­ac­ters. These crises were piv­otal moments which dra­mat­i­cal­ly altered the tra­jec­to­ry of their lives. More­over, each of our texts reflects not only a per­son­al cri­sis but also the tur­bu­lence of its cul­tur­al envi­ron­ment; and each devel­ops a unique strat­e­gy for cop­ing with it.

In addi­tion to offer­ing a unique intro­duc­tion to these great texts, this course aims to pro­vide a con­cep­tu­al and his­tor­i­cal frame­work enabling you to address crises in your own life and in the mod­ern world with a greater degree of under­stand­ing and, per­haps, a clear­er sense of how to sur­vive them.

Marsh McCall, Pro­fes­sor of Clas­sics

Marsh McCall has taught at Stan­ford for 30 years and was the found­ing Dean of Stan­ford Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies. He received the Dinkel­spiel Award for Out­stand­ing Ser­vice to Under­grad­u­ate Edu­ca­tion and the annu­al Phi Beta Kap­pa Under­grad­u­ate Teach­ing Award.

Mar­tin Evans, William R. Kenan Jr. Pro­fes­sor in Eng­lish

Born in Cardiff, Great Britain, in 1935, Pro­fes­sor Evans emi­grat­ed to the Unit­ed States in 1963 after earn­ing his B.A., M.A., and D.Phil. degrees at Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty. His first post in this coun­try was as an Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor of Eng­lish in the Stan­ford Eng­lish Depart­ment, and he has been on the fac­ul­ty here ever since. From 1977–81, he served as Asso­ciate Dean of Human­i­ties and Sci­ences, from 1981–86 as the Direc­tor of Under­grad­u­ate Stud­ies for the Eng­lish Depart­ment, and from 1988–91 as Chair­man of the Eng­lish Depart­ment.

Get more free Stan­ford cours­es here.

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Stanford Rolls Out Another Podcast Course and a New iTunes Look

Virgil_2Stan­ford re-launched its iTunes site last week, rolling out a new sleek look and a host of new pod­casts.

Among the new releas­es, you’ll find the lat­est in a series of full-fledged cours­es ready to be down­loaded to your iPod for free. (See the pre­vi­ous cours­es we’ve men­tioned here, here and here.) This time around, you can access a short course, Vir­gil’s Aeneid: Anato­my of a Clas­sic (get it on iTunes), which takes a close look at one of the cen­tral texts in the West­ern tra­di­tion.  (You can pur­chase a copy of the book ref­er­enced in the course here, or down­load free web ver­sions in Eng­lish or Latin, though they won’t fol­low the cor­rect pag­i­na­tion.) Pre­sent­ed by Susan­na Braund, a Stan­ford clas­sics pro­fes­sor, the course is divid­ed into 5 install­ments, each run­ning about two hours. For the moment, you can only down­load the first part. But rest assured that the remain­ing ones are set to be issued in the weeks to come. The course was orig­i­nal­ly pre­sent­ed in Stan­ford’s Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies pro­gram. To learn more about the course, take a look at the course descrip­tion below.

“The cen­tral text in the canon of Latin lit­er­a­ture is Virgil’s Aeneid, an epic poem in twelve books com­posed more than two thou­sand years ago under the Roman emper­or Augus­tus. The poem was an instant hit. It became a school text imme­di­ate­ly and has remained cen­tral to stud­ies of Roman cul­ture to the present day. How can a poem cre­at­ed in such a remote lit­er­ary and social envi­ron­ment speak so elo­quent­ly to sub­se­quent ages? In this course we will dis­cov­er what kind of poem this is and what kind of hero Aeneas is. Our stud­ies will focus chiefly on the poem itself and on wider aspects of Roman cul­ture. It will be essen­tial to com­mit to read­ing the poem ahead of time, at a rate of about 100 pages per week. We will use the ener­getic trans­la­tion by Robert Fitzger­ald.”

Find many more Uni­ver­si­ty Pod­casts here.

See all of Open Cul­ture’s Pod­cast Col­lec­tions:

Arts & Cul­ture — Audio Books — For­eign Lan­guage Lessons — News & Infor­ma­tion — Sci­ence — Tech­nol­o­gy — Uni­ver­si­ty (Gen­er­al) — Uni­ver­si­ty (B‑School) — Pod­cast Primer


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The Historical Jesus on Your iPod


Yes, we’re on a lit­tle bit of an iTunes roll here this week. But no one
seems to be com­plain­ing. Next up from Stan­ford, it’s The His­torical Jesus. Like the Mod­ern The­o­ret­i­cal Physics course that we pre­viewed ear­li­er, this class was orig­i­nal­ly taught in Stan­ford’s Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies Pro­gram, and it’s also aimed at the gen­er­al pub­lic. Right now, you can down­load the first of ten install­ments. New install­ments will come out once a week.

Here is a com­plete descrip­tion of what ground the course cov­ers:

“Who was the his­tor­i­cal Jesus of Nazareth? What did he actu­al­ly say and do, as con­trast­ed with what ear­ly Chris­tians (e.g., Paul and the Gospel writ­ers)

believed that he said and did? What did the man Jesus actu­al­ly think of him­self and of his mis­sion, as con­trast­ed with the mes­sian­ic and even divine claims that the New Tes­ta­ment makes about him? In short, what are the dif­fer­ences — and con­ti­nu­ities — between the Jesus who lived and died in his­to­ry and the Christ who lives on in believ­ers’ faith?

Over the last four decades his­tor­i­cal schol­ar­ship on Jesus and his times — whether con­duct­ed by Jews, Chris­tians, or non-believ­ers — has arrived at a strong con­sen­sus about what this unde­ni­ably his­tor­i­cal fig­ure (born ca. 4 BCE, died ca. 30 CE) said and did, and how he pre­sent­ed him­self and his mes­sage to his Jew­ish audi­ence. Often that his­tor­i­cal evi­dence about Jesus does not eas­i­ly dove­tail with the tra­di­tion­al doc­trines of Chris­tian­i­ty. How then might one adju­di­cate those con­flict­ing claims?

This is a course about his­to­ry, not about faith or the­ol­o­gy. It will exam­ine the best avail­able lit­er­ary and his­tor­i­cal evi­dence about Jesus and his times and will dis­cuss method­olo­gies for inter­pret­ing that evi­dence, in order to help par­tic­i­pants make their own judg­ments and draw their own con­clu­sions.”

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Cutting-Edge Physics on iTunes

This is hot off the press, so to speak. Today, Stan­ford post­ed a new pod­cast of a course called Mod­ern The­o­ret­i­cal Physics: Quan­tum Entan­gle­ment. It’s intrigu­ing on sev­er­al dif­fer­ent lev­els. First, it’s in video. Sec­ond, the course is pre­sent­ed by Leonard Susskind, who is gen­er­al­ly con­sid­ered the father of string the­o­ry, a con­tro­ver­sial inno­va­tion in physics that squares quan­tum the­o­ry with rel­a­tiv­i­ty and explains the nature of all mat­ter and forces. Now, when Susskind gets into quan­tum entan­gle­ment, he is sure­ly get­ting into some heady, cut­ting-edge stuff. But the good thing — and now for my third point — is that he has pre­sent­ed this course through Stan­ford’s Con­tin­u­ing Stud­ies Pro­gram (where I work, just to put my cards on the table), and it was geared toward the gen­er­al pub­lic. And, to boot, it was the most pop­u­lar course in the pro­gram. You can find a slight­ly more involved course descrip­tion here.The pod­cast will be rolled out in week­ly install­ments, and the first is avail­able start­ing today. Since this is a video pod­cast, you should be able to watch it on your Ipod’s video screen if you have one of the lat­est mod­els. Or you could always just watch it on your com­put­er screen, with­in iTunes itself.

Feeds: You can down­load the course on iTunes here or access the RSS feed here.

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