Here at StanÂford, a couÂple of our teachÂers (Tom Kealey and Adam JohnÂson) took a novÂel approach to runÂning a writÂing class. They wantÂed to see what hapÂpens when 14 stuÂdents colÂlecÂtiveÂly write, edit and illusÂtrate a graphÂic novÂel. (A graphÂic novÂel is a type of comÂic book that feaÂtures a lengthy and comÂplex stoÂryÂline.) Fast forÂward a few weeks, and you can see what the class proÂduced. Their novÂel, “a wildÂly ambiÂtious, emoÂtionÂalÂly searÂing stoÂry,” based on a series of true events, is called Shake Girl, and you can start readÂing it here. Should you want to learn more about the writÂing of this colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive novÂel, you can lisÂten to this podÂcast that gives you the backÂstoÂry and also read this secÂtion of the Shake Girl webÂsite.