HapÂpy WednesÂday.…
h/t Allie
MissÂing the scent of used book stores durÂing quarÂanÂtine? PowÂell’s Books has you covÂered with their new uniÂsex fraÂgrance: “Like the crimÂson rhodoÂdenÂdrons in RebecÂca, the heady fraÂgrance of old paper creÂates an atmosÂphere ripe with mood and posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty. InvokÂing a labyrinth of books; secret libraries; ancient scrolls; and cognac swilled by philosoÂpher-kings, Powell’s by Powell’s delivÂers the wearÂer to a place of wonÂder, disÂcovÂery, and magÂic heretoÂfore only known in litÂerÂaÂture.” You can pre-order it here…
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The ChemÂistry Behind the Smell of Old Books: Explained with a Free InfoÂgraphÂic
Spike Jonze Presents a Stop Motion Film for Book Lovers
WearÂable Books: In Medieval Times, They Took Old ManÂuÂscripts & Turned Them into Clothes
Just a handy way to keep your mind off of the sturm and drang of the US elecÂtion today.
If this doesÂn’t quite do the trick, find some alterÂnaÂtives in the RelatÂeds below.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
MedÂiÂtaÂtion for BeginÂners: BudÂdhist Monks & TeachÂers Explain the Basics
Stream 72 Hours of AmbiÂent Sounds from Blade RunÂner: Relax, Go to Sleep in a DystopiÂan Future
10 Hours of AmbiÂent ArcÂtic Sounds Will Help You Relax, MedÂiÂtate, Study & Sleep
We have feaÂtured some great acts of imagÂiÂnaÂtion when it comes to teleÂphone technology–from the worlds’ first mobile phone shown in this 1922 British PathĂ© newsÂreel, to when Fritz Lang “inventÂed” the video phone in MetropÂoÂlis in 1927. “Phone Relief,” the ultiÂmate hands-free headÂset marÂketÂed in 1993, will nevÂer qualÂiÂfy as a great act of imagÂiÂnaÂtion. But it does make for a great kitschy ad.
via @moodvintage
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The World’s First Mobile Phone Shown in 1922 VinÂtage Film
When We All Have PockÂet TeleÂphones (1923)
How to Use the Rotary Dial Phone: A Primer from 1927
David Lynch’s weathÂer report for SunÂday SepÂtemÂber 13th: “Here in LA, grey. Again, smoke-filled sky. Very still right now. 61 degrees fahrenÂheit. Today I’m makÂing a list of all the good things that are hapÂpenÂing in the world. [Pause.] I’m still thinkÂing… No blue skies, no goldÂen sunÂshine today.”
Maybe David Byrne, creÂator of the “ReaÂsons to Be CheerÂful” web site, would have a betÂter shot at fillÂing out the page. Have your own list of good things hapÂpenÂing in the world? Add them to the comÂments below…
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
When real life and dystopiÂan cinÂeÂma become one and the same. You can comÂpare side-by-side images of BladerunÂner 2049 conÂcept art and the San FranÂcisÂco skyÂline here.
If you would like to sign up for Open Culture’s free email newsletÂter, please find it here. Or folÂlow our posts on Threads, FaceÂbook, BlueSky or Mastodon.
If you would like to supÂport the misÂsion of Open CulÂture, conÂsidÂer makÂing a donaÂtion to our site. It’s hard to rely 100% on ads, and your conÂtriÂbuÂtions will help us conÂtinÂue proÂvidÂing the best free culÂturÂal and eduÂcaÂtionÂal mateÂriÂals to learnÂers everyÂwhere. You can conÂtribute through PayÂPal, PatreÂon, and VenÂmo (@openculture). Thanks!
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Three Blade RunÂner PreÂquels: Watch Them Online
The Blade RunÂner ProÂmoÂtionÂal Film
How RidÂley Scott’s Blade RunÂner IlluÂmiÂnates the CenÂtral ProbÂlem of ModerÂniÂty
And next up, to keep the nosÂtalÂgia going, watch Samuel BeckÂett star in the openÂing credÂits of an imagÂiÂnary 70s cop show. Enjoy.…
If you would like to sign up for Open Culture’s free email newsletÂter, please find it here. Or folÂlow our posts on Threads, FaceÂbook, BlueSky or Mastodon.
If you would like to supÂport the misÂsion of Open CulÂture, conÂsidÂer makÂing a donaÂtion to our site. It’s hard to rely 100% on ads, and your conÂtriÂbuÂtions will help us conÂtinÂue proÂvidÂing the best free culÂturÂal and eduÂcaÂtionÂal mateÂriÂals to learnÂers everyÂwhere. You can conÂtribute through PayÂPal, PatreÂon, and VenÂmo (@openculture). Thanks!
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
MarÂtin ScorsÂese Makes a List of 85 Films Every AspirÂing FilmÂmakÂer Needs to See
Watch MarÂtin Scorsese’s Brand New Short Film, Made EntireÂly in His Office Under QuarÂanÂtine
MagiÂcian Andy ClockÂwise shows you how you can make “your very own Krispy Kreme face shield using just the lid from a 12 box of Krispy Kreme doughÂnuts, some sticky tape and a pair of scisÂsors.”
If you need to improÂvise, you know what to do…