When I first heard that 43-year old AusÂtriÂan dareÂdevÂil and forÂmer milÂiÂtary paraÂchutist Felix BaumÂgartÂner would be jumpÂing 128,000 feet from space, my immeÂdiÂate reacÂtion was, “What? Why?!” Because why would anyÂone do that? And I assumed it was all some macho stunt to proÂmote Red Bull, his corÂpoÂrate sponÂsor, which isn’t entireÂly unfoundÂed. But I also had no sense of the hisÂtoric conÂtext, the sciÂenÂtifÂic impliÂcaÂtions, and until I read the details, the truÂly death-defyÂing magÂniÂtude of it all. As I watched the jump and then learned more, my wonÂder and admiÂraÂtion grew, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly in readÂing Baumgartner’s own accounts of his sevÂen years of prepaÂraÂtion for the feat.
BaumÂgartÂner bestÂed Chuck YeaÂger on the same day in hisÂtoÂry that YeaÂger broke the sound barÂriÂer (he says Yeager’s going to be “pissed”). He also broke the record set by Joseph KitÂtinger, an Air Force pilot who leapt from 102,800 feet (19.5 miles) above earth in 1960. You can watch a short docÂuÂmenÂtary of Kittinger’s famous jump above. The techÂnolÂoÂgy of 1960 didn’t allow for the crysÂtal-clear images BaumÂgartÂner capÂtured with his two suit camÂeras, but it’s still an impresÂsive litÂtle film, made more so by Kittinger’s voice over describÂing the senÂsaÂtions he expeÂriÂenced durÂing free fall. Below is a clasÂsic 1960 newsÂreel film of the jump, with a draÂmatÂic announcÂer and triÂumphal, marÂtial music.
KitÂtinger and BaumÂgartÂner first met in 2008, and the elder test pilot supÂportÂed and helped plan the Red Bull Stratos project that would break his record. He also served as BaumÂgartÂner’s misÂsion conÂtrol, guidÂing him from his tiny space capÂsule to the ground. The jump was apparÂentÂly supÂposed to take place two years earÂliÂer, on the 50th anniverÂsary of Kittinger’s, but was delayed. Below, you can watch KitÂtinger disÂcuss the project and his own career in a 2010 interÂview with Red Bull.
Josh Jones is a docÂtorÂal canÂdiÂdate in EngÂlish at FordÂham UniÂverÂsiÂty and a co-founder and forÂmer manÂagÂing ediÂtor of GuerÂniÂca / A MagÂaÂzine of Arts and PolÂiÂtics.