CreÂative comÂmons images are by RasÂmus LerÂdorf and GorÂthiÂan , via WikiÂmeÂdia ComÂmons
When you run a site like this, you learn all kinds of unexÂpectÂed things–most of it rich and rewardÂing, some of it strange, trivÂial and still nonetheÂless intriguÂing. DisÂcovÂerÂing that Adolf Hitler and LudÂwig WittgenÂstein went to the same AusÂtriÂan midÂdle school, likeÂly at the same time, fits into the latÂter catÂeÂgoÂry. And so too does this:
On TwitÂter, jazz critÂic Ted Gioia recentÂly highÂlightÂed a curiÂous pasÂsage from UrsuÂla K. Le Guin’s new book, where she menÂtions attendÂing high school with anothÂer semÂiÂnal figÂure in sci-fi litÂerÂaÂture, Philip K. Dick (Do Androids Dream of ElecÂtric Sheep?, Total Recall, MinorÂiÂty Report, A ScanÂner DarkÂly etc.).
As she sepÂaÂrateÂly told The Paris Review, BerkeÂley High had 5,300 kids durÂing the 1940s. It was a big high school. And yet “Nobody knew Phil Dick. I have not found one perÂson from BerkeÂley High who knew him. He was the invisÂiÂble classÂmate.” Years latÂer, the two authors talked. But nevÂer met. PKD always remained someÂthing of a ghost.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
UrsuÂla Le Guin Gives InsightÂful WritÂing Advice in Her Free Online WorkÂshop
Hear InvenÂtive StoÂries from UrsuÂla LeGuin & J.G. BalÂlard Turned Into CBC Radio DraÂmas
33 Sci-Fi StoÂries by Philip K. Dick as Free Audio Books & Free eBooks
Hear 6 ClasÂsic Philip K. Dick StoÂries AdaptÂed as VinÂtage Radio Plays
Hear VALIS, an Opera Based on Philip K. Dick’s MetaÂphysÂiÂcal NovÂel