You’ve perÂhaps heard the buzz around Dan Ariely’s new book, The Upside of IrraÂtionalÂiÂty: The UnexÂpectÂed BenÂeÂfits of DefyÂing LogÂic at Work and at Home. (If not, read this review in the NY Times.) AppearÂing at PopTech! last year, Ariely spent 20 minÂutes fleshÂing out an arguÂment in his book. A proÂfesÂsor of behavÂioral ecoÂnomÂics at Duke UniÂverÂsiÂty, Ariely turns some basic assumpÂtions about workÂplace comÂpenÂsaÂtion right on their head … and even explains why, in some strange way, it makes sense that highÂly comÂpenÂsatÂed Wall Street bankers could do so much damÂage to our finanÂcial sysÂtem.
Note: You can lisÂten to Ariely getÂting interÂviewed earÂliÂer this week on my favorite San FranÂcisÂco talk show. The conÂverÂsaÂtion revolves around The Upside of IrraÂtionalÂiÂty.