Pretty Much Pop #2: Binge Watching

This post con­tin­ues Open Cul­ture’s cura­tion of a new pod­cast series about pop­u­lar media and how (and why) we con­sume it. You may wish to lis­ten to the intro­duc­to­ry episode first.

What counts as binge watch­ing? Why do we do it? Is it bad for us?

Mark, Eri­ca, and Bri­an reveal their watch­ing habits (grow­ing up and now) and mar­vel at crazy-high stats about how much peo­ple watch. We think about what peo­ple get out of this activ­i­ty, what shows work do and don’t taste good in bulk, and whether watch­ing is best done in soli­tary despair or as a bond­ing expe­ri­ence as you waste the pre­cious hours of your life sit­ting next to anoth­er per­son.

We touch on many shows includ­ing The Office, Game of Thrones, Bat­tlestar Galac­ti­ca (by way of Port­landia), Jane the Vir­gin, Pret­ty Lit­tle Liars, Arrow, CSI, and Cher­nobyl (which we’ll devote the whole of Ep. 5 to).

Arti­cles we bring up:

“I like to watch, Eri­ca. I like to watch.”

This episode includes BONUS CONTENT that you can only get by becom­ing a $1+ sup­port­er at Pret­ty Much Pop: A Cul­ture Pod­cast is pro­duced by the Par­tial­ly Exam­ined Life Pod­cast Net­work.

Introducing Pretty Much Pop (A Culture Podcast): Episode 1 — Pop Culture vs. High Culture

What is pop cul­ture? Does it make sense to dis­tin­guish it from high cul­ture, or can some­thing be both?

Open Cul­ture is pleased to curate a new pod­cast cov­er­ing all things enter­tain­ment: TV, movies, music, nov­els, video games, comics, nov­els, com­e­dy, the­ater, pod­casts, and more. Pret­ty Much Pop is the inven­tion of Mark Lin­sen­may­er (aka musi­cian Mark Lint), cre­ator of The Par­tial­ly Exam­ined Life Phi­los­o­phy Pod­cast and Naked­ly Exam­ined Music. Mark is joined by co-hosts Eri­ca Spyres, an actor and musi­cian who’s appeared on Broad­way and plays clas­si­cal and blue­grass vio­lin, and Bri­an Hirt, a sci­ence-fic­tion writer/linguistics major who col­lab­o­rates with his broth­er on the Con­stel­lary Tales mag­a­zine and pod­cast. For this intro­duc­to­ry dis­cus­sion touch­ing on opera, The Bea­t­les, Fort­nite, 50 Shades of Grey, real­i­ty TV, and more, our hosts are joined by the pod­cast’s audio edi­tor Tyler His­lop, aka Sac­ri­fice MC.

Some of the arti­cles brought in the dis­cus­sion are:

“The Long War Between High­brow and Low­brow” by Noah Berlatsky from the Pacif­ic Stan­dard (2017)

“Pop Cul­ture’s Progress Toward Tragedy” by Titus Techera from the Nation­al Review (2019)

Read more about the 1895 silent film that fea­tured a train com­ing right out of the screen, send­ing peo­ple scream­ing in ter­ror. Here’s more about the open­ing of Stravin­sky’s “Rite of Spring” at which spec­ta­tors riot­ed. You may also enjoy episode 137 of The Par­tial­ly Exam­ined Life about the tastes of social class­es that ana­lyzes Pierre Bour­dieu. Also see episode 193 on lib­er­al edu­ca­tion and the idea of a “canon” of essen­tial, high-cul­ture works. The open­ing music is by Mark (gui­tars, cel­los, djem­be) and Eri­ca (vio­lins). The pod­cast logo is by Ken Ger­ber.

The end­ing song was writ­ten by Mark just for this episode. It’s called “High Rollin’ Cult,” and fea­tures Eri­ca on vio­lin and har­monies.

For more infor­ma­tion on the pod­cast, vis­it or look for the pod­cast soon on Apple Pod­casts. To sup­port this effort (and imme­di­ate­ly get access to four episodes plus bonus con­tent), make a small, recur­ring dona­tion at

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