Image of Charles S.L. BakÂer with his SuperÂheatÂing DemonÂstraÂtion
Black HisÂtoÂry Month is FebÂruÂary in the UnitÂed States and CanaÂda, and OctoÂber in the UnitÂed KingÂdom and Europe. It may be July right now, but if you’re interÂestÂed in a subÂject, there’s no reaÂson not to get more deeply into it all year round. This is underÂscored by the openÂing, this month, of GetÂty Images’ Black HisÂtoÂry and CulÂture ColÂlecÂtion. As PetapixÂel’s Matt GrowÂcoot writes, it conÂtains “30,000 rarely seen images of the Black diasÂpoÂra in the UnitÂed KingÂdom and the UnitÂed States that date back to the 19th cenÂtuÂry,” drawÂing from the domains of “polÂiÂtics, sport, music, culÂture, milÂiÂtary, and celebriÂty.”
In the Black HisÂtoÂry and CulÂture ColÂlecÂtion you’ll find picÂtures of culÂturÂal figÂures like Duke EllingÂton and Jay‑Z, Jack JohnÂson, Venus and SerÂeÂna Williams, SojournÂer Truth, and BernarÂdine EvarisÂto. These names only hint at the range of the archive, which you can also browse by catÂeÂgoÂry tags: “civÂil rights,” “govÂerÂnance,” and “sports,” to name a few examÂples, but also “famÂiÂlies,” “fashÂion,” and “hair.”
There are, of course, an enorÂmous numÂber of phoÂtos filed under “AmerÂiÂcan CulÂture,” which would itself be unimagÂinÂable withÂout the conÂtriÂbuÂtions of the peoÂple docÂuÂmentÂed. But the same could be said of the othÂer side of the pond; hence the incluÂsion of a “Black British CulÂture” label as well.
CreÂatÂing the Black HisÂtoÂry and CulÂture ColÂlecÂtion involved more than just tagÂging phoÂtos. You can learn more about what went into it in the short video above, which includes the voicÂes of colÂlabÂoÂraÂtors like NYU Tisch School of the Arts’ DebÂoÂrah Willis and the UniÂverÂsiÂty of PennÂsylÂvaÂniÂa’s TukuÂfu Zuberi. The artist RenaÂta Cherlise speaks of the valÂue of the images of famous peoÂple, but also those of everyÂday life as it was lived in places and times like Harlem’s Savoy BallÂroom in the nineÂteen-forÂties. Whether or not your own herÂitage is tied into this hisÂtoÂry, you stand to learn a great deal from it. As Zuberi put sit, “Black culÂture is the origÂiÂnal human culÂture, so there is no culÂture that is alien to black culÂture. The future of black culÂture is the future of human culÂture. Let’s go.”
via PetapixÂel/Colossal
RelatÂed conÂtent:
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities, lanÂguage, and culÂture. His projects include the SubÂstack newsletÂter Books on Cities, the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall, on FaceÂbook, or on InstaÂgram.