Do you still need a workÂing knowlÂedge of the ideas of Michel FouÂcault to hold your own on the cockÂtail parÂty cirÂcuit? ProbÂaÂbly not, but the ideas themÂselves, should you bring them up there, remain as fasÂciÂnatÂing as ever. But how, apart from enterÂing (or re-enterÂing) grad school, to get startÂed learnÂing about them? Just look above: Alain de BotÂton’s School of Life has proÂduced a handy eight-minute primer on the life and thought of the conÂtroÂverÂsial “20th-cenÂtuÂry French philosoÂpher and hisÂtoÂriÂan who spent his career forenÂsiÂcalÂly critÂiÂcizÂing the powÂer of the modÂern bourÂgeois capÂiÂtalÂist state.”
PerÂhaps that sounds like a parÂoÂdy of the activÂiÂty of a French philosoÂpher, but if you watch, you’ll find highÂlightÂed eleÂments of FouÂcault’s grand intelÂlecÂtuÂal project still relÂeÂvant to us today. “His goal was nothÂing less than to figÂure out how powÂer worked,” as de BotÂton puts it, “and then to change it in the direcÂtion of a MarxÂist-anarÂchist utopia.” Even if you have no interÂest in MarxÂist-anarÂchist utopias, you’ll find much to think about in FouÂcault’s critÂiÂcisms, summed up in the video, of instiÂtuÂtions of powÂer havÂing to do with medÂiÂcine, menÂtal health, crimÂiÂnal jusÂtice, and sexÂuÂalÂiÂty — under which we all, in some form or anothÂer, still live today.
Once the School of Life has got you briefed on this wealthy altar boy (!) turned wideÂly-polarÂizÂing, sexÂuÂalÂly avant-garde intelÂlecÂtuÂal, you can get into more depth on FouÂcault right here on Open CulÂture. We’ve got his UC BerkeÂley lecÂtures (in EngÂlish) on “Truth and SubÂjecÂtivÂiÂty” and “The CulÂture of the Self,;” an interÂview with him long thought lost; a 40-minute docÂuÂmenÂtary on him, and the TIME artiÂcle and fanzine that got his name spreadÂing around AmerÂiÂca. You’ll find that, though FouÂcault himÂself passed away more than thirÂty years ago, his obserÂvaÂtions of modÂern sociÂety still have an impact — and they’ll sureÂly raise an eyeÂbrow or two at the next office parÂty.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The 1981 TIME MagÂaÂzine ProÂfile That IntroÂduced Michel FouÂcault to AmerÂiÂca
Watch a “Lost InterÂview” With Michel FouÂcault: MissÂing for 30 Years But Now RecovÂered
ColÂin MarÂshall writes on cities, lanÂguage, Asia, and men’s style. He’s at work on a book about Los AngeÂles, A Los AngeÂles Primer, and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.