Update: You can find the video recordÂing of the workÂshop here.
This past spring, teachÂers and stuÂdents everyÂwhere got an abrupt introÂducÂtion to online learnÂing. When classÂrooms moved online in March, many teachÂers experÂiÂmentÂed with online pedÂaÂgogy for the first time, often withÂout much trainÂing or supÂport. To help ease this tranÂsiÂtion, the StanÂford Online High School–an indeÂpenÂdent high school that operÂates entireÂly online–launched a free course designed to help teachÂers get comÂfortÂable teachÂing in this new mediÂum. 7,000 teachÂers signed up. To conÂtinÂue proÂvidÂing supÂport, an updatÂed verÂsion of this free course will be offered again this weekÂend.
“TeachÂing Your Class Online” will take place this SatÂurÂday (NovemÂber 21) and SunÂday (NovemÂber 22), and run from 9:00 am — 11:00 am PacifÂic time each day. (Update: The lecÂtures are now availÂable online.) Designed mainÂly for instrucÂtors teachÂing grades 7–12, the course can be helpÂful for eleÂmenÂtary and colÂlege instrucÂtors as well. TopÂics covÂered will include “chalÂlenges [such] as stuÂdent engageÂment and disÂcusÂsion (includÂing for large groups, breakÂout rooms, and hybrid groups), effecÂtive comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion with stuÂdents and parÂents, assessÂment and curÂricuÂlum adapÂtaÂtion for online pedÂaÂgogy, and strateÂgies for supÂportÂing both stuÂdents and yourÂselves.”
“TeachÂing Your Class Online” is supÂportÂed by StanÂford Online High School and StanÂford ConÂtinÂuÂing StudÂies. You can enroll in the course on the ConÂtinÂuÂing StudÂies webÂsite here.
If you know any teachÂers who could benÂeÂfit from this free course, please feel free to share this post with them.
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