How about a blog post that doesÂn’t deal with the conÂtroÂverÂsy surÂroundÂing The New YorkÂer’s clumÂsy attempt at satÂiÂrizÂing Barack and Michelle ObaÂma .… ? (Update: See the imagÂined, right-wing satirÂiÂcal carÂtoon of John McCain.)
When StanÂford launched its new YouTube channel sevÂerÂal weeks ago, it debuted with a comÂplete series of lecÂtures from an underÂgradÂuÂate course called “African-AmerÂiÂcan HisÂtoÂry: ModÂern FreeÂdom StrugÂgle.” Taught by ClayÂborne CarÂson, a promiÂnent hisÂtoÂry proÂfesÂsor who has editÂed and pubÂlished the papers of MarÂtin Luther King, Jr., the course overviews the strugÂgle for libÂerÂty and comÂplete equalÂiÂty, movÂing from W.E.B. Du Bois (earÂly 20th cenÂtuÂry), to MLK and MalÂcolm X, down to Barack ObaÂma today. The lecÂture below, entiÂtled “Barack ObaÂma’s AmerÂiÂcan Dream,” sitÂuÂates ObaÂma withÂin the largÂer sweep of African-AmerÂiÂcan hisÂtoÂry. It’s rather conÂverÂsaÂtionÂal in style, and it does a good job of getÂting into ObaÂma’s perÂsonÂal biogÂraÂphy. The comÂplete lecÂtures can be watched in their entireÂty on YouTube here, or downÂloaded in video via iTunes. And be sure to see our largÂer colÂlecÂtion of 250 Free Online CoursÂes from LeadÂing UniÂverÂsiÂties, where you will also find this course.