Just wantÂed to send out a quick birthÂday wish to YouTube EDU, which celÂeÂbrates its first birthÂday today. The site now feaÂtures over 65,000 acaÂdÂeÂmÂic videos and 350 full coursÂes, many comÂing from uniÂverÂsiÂties like StanÂford, Yale, and MIT. My proÂgram at StanÂford has hapÂpiÂly conÂtributed 12 coursÂes to the colÂlecÂtion (find them here), and they’ve been downÂloaded by thouÂsands of viewÂers across the world. It’s all very gratÂiÂfyÂing.
If you want to learn more about YouTube EDU, you can read this piece I postÂed shortÂly after it launched. But, betÂter yet, you should give the site itself a visÂit. And, to the folks at YouTube, keep up the good work!
PS If you’re lookÂing for more intelÂliÂgent conÂtent on YouTube, you should peruse our page that highÂlights the smartest video chanÂnels on the Tube. NASA, The New York Times, The New YorkÂer, Google Talks, TED Talks — they’re all listÂed here.