DurÂing the 1960s and 1970s, the UniÂverÂsiÂty of WisÂconÂsin-MadiÂson put togethÂer one of the finest hisÂtoÂry proÂgrams in the UnitÂed States, and it was anchored by George Mosse, a GerÂman-born culÂturÂal hisÂtoÂriÂan who authored 25 books covÂerÂing the EngÂlish RefÂorÂmaÂtion, LutherÂan theÂolÂoÂgy, JewÂish hisÂtoÂry, and fasÂcist ideÂolÂoÂgy. Though he died in 1999, Mosse still remains a legÂendary figÂure in MadiÂson, and now the uniÂverÂsiÂty (where I did my underÂgradÂuÂate work — in hisÂtoÂry, no less) has dustÂed off recordÂings of his coursÂes and made them freely availÂable online.
Three of his coursÂes tie togethÂer into a nice packÂage, offerÂing a long look at EuroÂpean CulÂturÂal HisÂtoÂry. The first course takes you from 1500 to 1800, covÂerÂing the RenaisÂsance, RefÂorÂmaÂtion, EngÂlish RevÂoÂluÂtion, EnlightÂenÂment, and French RevÂoÂluÂtion. The secÂond course moves from 1660 to 1880, focusÂing on the ideas that changed Europe. It’s essenÂtialÂly an intelÂlecÂtuÂal hisÂtoÂry that traces the rise of EnlightÂenÂment thinkÂing, GerÂman RomanÂtiÂcism and IdeÂalÂism (includÂing HegelianÂism), the birth of libÂerÂalÂism and MarxÂism and beyond.
And, finalÂly, the last course focusÂes on the critÂiÂcal periÂod 1880 — 1920. Here we have a surÂvey of the culÂturÂal revolt against bourÂgeois sociÂety, the rise of modÂern culÂture (figÂures like NietÂzsche, Freud, & Brecht take cenÂter stage), the damÂage wrought by World War I, and the beginÂnings of fasÂcism in Europe.
The coursÂes, all preÂsentÂed in audio, are usuÂalÂly accomÂpaÂnied by text sumÂmaries. You can downÂload a fourth course by Mosse called ModÂern JewÂish HisÂtoÂry. They all appear in the HisÂtoÂry secÂtion of our big colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
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