Last TuesÂday night, StanÂford UniÂverÂsiÂty kicked off a big course on the 2012 ElecÂtion. 600 stuÂdents packed into a crowdÂed audiÂtoÂriÂum, fillÂing every seat, waitÂing for the course to begin. Led by David Kennedy (Pulitzer Prize-winÂning hisÂtoÂriÂan), Rob Reich (PolitÂiÂcal SciÂence, StanÂford), and James SteyÂer (CEO, ComÂmon Sense Media), the course brings togethÂer “experts from Stanford’s facÂulÂty, along with disÂtinÂguished parÂticÂiÂpants in and anaÂlysts of AmerÂiÂcan polÂiÂtics.” And, togethÂer, they’re examÂinÂing major issues at stake in the elecÂtion — forÂeign polÂiÂcy, the econÂoÂmy, the Supreme Court, camÂpaign financÂing, camÂpaign stratÂeÂgy, etc.
The first week feaÂtured conÂverÂsaÂtions with two seaÂsoned camÂpaign strateÂgists — Mark McKÂinÂnon and Chris Lehane — who put away their dagÂgers and had an unusuÂalÂly civÂil conÂverÂsaÂtion about the ObaÂma-RomÂney conÂtest, and the state of AmerÂiÂcan polÂiÂtics more genÂerÂalÂly. Also joinÂing the conÂverÂsaÂtion was Gary SeguÂra, a StanÂford expert in polling, who offered up some firm preÂdicÂtions about the elecÂtion.
Although the course is filled to capacÂiÂty, you can attend the course virÂtuÂalÂly on iTunes and YouTube for free. (It will be added to our colÂlecÂtion of 500 Free CoursÂes Online.) A comÂplete list of upcomÂing speakÂers can be found here.
Full disÂcloÂsure: This course was partÂly orgaÂnized by StanÂford ConÂtinÂuÂing StudÂies where I hapÂpiÂly spend my workÂing days. If you live in the San FranÂcisÂco Bay Area, you should check out our amazÂing proÂgram.