Begun in 2011 by Big Think and the Jack ParkÂer CorÂpoÂraÂtion, The FloatÂing UniÂverÂsiÂty is an online eduÂcaÂtionÂal iniÂtiaÂtive that debuted at HarÂvard, Yale, and Bard ColÂlege. The purÂpose of The FloatÂing UniÂverÂsiÂty, accordÂing to its site, is to “democÂraÂtize access to the world’s best thinkers” by proÂvidÂing free, approxÂiÂmateÂly one hour-long coursÂes on a wide range of topÂics, taught at a uniÂverÂsiÂty levÂel by experts and proÂfesÂsors in the varÂiÂous fields. The inauÂgurÂal course, the most favored at the three uniÂverÂsiÂties, is Great Big Ideas, and it more or less does what it says: tackÂles some of the largest, most perÂplexÂing quesÂtions in digestible introÂducÂtions that also manÂage to be rigÂorÂous, inforÂmaÂtive, and thought-proÂvokÂing.
In the lecÂture above, for examÂple, HarÂvard cogÂniÂtive psyÂcholÂoÂgist and linÂguist Steven Pinker presents an “eSemÂiÂnar” in linÂguisÂtics, addressÂing dogged quesÂtions in the field over whether or not humans have an innate, uniÂverÂsal gramÂmar (as Noam ChomÂsky has famousÂly argued); why lanÂguage is so funÂdaÂmenÂtal to our social relaÂtionÂships; and how lanÂguage evolved.
Pinker, who describes human lanÂguage in broad terms as a “mirÂaÂcle” and a “winÂdow into the human mind,” also gets into the speÂcifÂic subÂfields of linÂguisÂtics, disÂcussing them in terms that any layperÂson can underÂstand withÂout much dilutÂing the fasÂciÂnatÂing philoÂsophÂiÂcal and sciÂenÂtifÂic debates around what DarÂwin called our “instincÂtive tenÂdenÂcy to speak” to one anothÂer, from infanÂcy onward, all over the world, in some 6000 difÂferÂent lanÂguages.
The Great Big Ideas (now added to our list of 1200 Free Online CoursÂes) lecÂture series conÂsists of twelve lecÂtures total, includÂing Pinker’s. The othÂer eleven are:
- Malthus Miffed: Are PeoÂple the ProbÂlem, the SoluÂtion, or Both? An IntroÂducÂtion to DemogÂraÂphy and PopÂuÂlaÂtions Study Through an ExamÂiÂnaÂtion of the World’s PopÂuÂlaÂtion. by Joel Cohen (ColumÂbia).
- The UniÂverse in a NutÂshell: The Physics of EveryÂthing. by Michio Kaku (CUNY).
- Of the PeoÂple, by the PeoÂple, for the PeoÂple? The Rawls-NozÂick Debates as an IntroÂducÂtion to the PhiÂlosÂoÂphy of PolÂiÂtics and EcoÂnomÂics. by Tamar Gendler (Yale)
- Do Not Pass Go, Do Not ColÂlect $200: MonopÂoÂlies as an IntroÂducÂtion to EcoÂnomÂics. by Saul LevÂmore (U ChicaÂgo)
- The PsyÂcholÂoÂgy of EveryÂthing: What ComÂpasÂsion, Racism, and Sex tell us about Human Nature. by Paul Bloom (Yale)
- If You’re So Free, Why Do You FolÂlow OthÂers? The SociÂoÂlogÂiÂcal SciÂence Behind Social NetÂworks and Social InfluÂence. by Nicholas ChrisÂtakis (HarÂvard)
- Who Wants to Be a BilÂlionÂaire? EveryÂthing You Need to Know About Finance and InvestÂing in Under an Hour. by William AckÂman
- What’s Up, Doc? Is BioÂmedÂical Research RealÂly Close to CurÂing AnyÂthing? by DouÂglas Melton (HarÂvard)
- Art Now: AesÂthetÂics Across Music, PaintÂing, ArchiÂtecÂture, Movies, and More. by Leon BostÂstein (HarÂvard)
- StandÂing on the ShoulÂders of Giants: The EssenÂtial ValÂue of a ClasÂsic EduÂcaÂtion. by JefÂfrey BrenÂzel (Yale)
- The AuthorÂiÂty of Ideas: DecodÂing the DNA of EduÂcaÂtion in Search of ActuÂal KnowlÂedge. by Lawrence SumÂmers (HarÂvard)
Josh Jones is a docÂtorÂal canÂdiÂdate in EngÂlish at FordÂham UniÂverÂsiÂty and a co-founder and forÂmer manÂagÂing ediÂtor of GuerÂniÂca / A MagÂaÂzine of Arts and PolÂiÂtics.