Image by Arild VĂĄgen, via WikiÂmeÂdia ComÂmons
If you have plans to visÂit the Old World any time soon, you should spend a few good minÂutes — make that hours — with The HisÂtoÂry of ArchiÂtecÂture, a free course that recentÂly debuted on YouTube. Taught by JacqueÂline GarÂgus at Ohio State, the course feaÂtures 39 video lecÂtures that colÂlecÂtiveÂly offer a clasÂsic surÂvey of WestÂern archiÂtecÂture. We begin in Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, layÂing the conÂcepÂtuÂal founÂdaÂtions for what’s to come. Then we dive headÂlong into IslamÂic, ByzanÂtine and Medieval archiÂtecÂture, before spendÂing a good deal of time with RenaisÂsance, Baroque, and RocoÂco styles. Of course, we encounter many great landÂmarks along the way: the pyraÂmids of Egypt, the temÂples of Ancient Greece, the Hagia Sophia in ConÂstanÂtinoÂple, Chartres in France, Brunelleschi’s DuoÂmo of FloÂrence, and the list goes on. The course appears on YouTube. Find the lecÂtures below.
The HisÂtoÂry of ArchiÂtecÂture has been added to our colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties. And if/when Prof. GarÂgus posts a sequel that gets us into modÂern times, we’ll be sure to let you know.
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