SanÂta left a new KinÂdle, iPad or othÂer media playÂer under your tree. He did his job. Now we’ll do ours. We’ll tell you how to fill those devices with free intelÂliÂgent media — great books, movies, coursÂes, and all of the rest. And if you didÂn’t get a new gadÂget, fear not. You can access all of these mateÂriÂals on the good old fashÂioned comÂputÂer. Here we go:
Free eBooks: You have always wantÂed to read the great works. And now is your chance. When you dive into our Free eBooks colÂlecÂtion you will find 375 great works by some clasÂsic writÂers (DickÂens, DosÂtoÂevsky, ShakeÂspeare and TolÂstoy) and conÂtemÂpoÂrary writÂers (F. Scott FitzgerÂald, Philip K. Dick, Isaac AsiÂmov, and Kurt VonÂnegut). The colÂlecÂtion also gives you access to the 51-volÂume HarÂvard ClasÂsics.
If you’re an iPad/iPhone user, the downÂload process is super easy. Just click the “iPad/iPhone” links and you’re good to go. KinÂdle and Nook users will genÂerÂalÂly want to click the “KinÂdle + OthÂer ForÂmats links” to downÂload ebook files, but we’d sugÂgest watchÂing these instrucÂtionÂal videos (KinÂdle –Nook) beforeÂhand.
Free Audio Books: What betÂter way to spend your free time than lisÂtenÂing to some of the greatÂest books ever writÂten? This page conÂtains a vast numÂber of free audio books, includÂing works by Arthur Conan Doyle, James Joyce, Jane Austen, Edgar Allan Poe, George Orwell and more recent writÂers — ItaÂlo CalviÂno, Vladimir Nabokov, RayÂmond CarvÂer, etc. You can downÂload these clasÂsic books straight to your gagdets, then lisÂten as you go.
[Note: If you’re lookÂing for a conÂtemÂpoÂrary book, you can downÂload one free audio book from Find details on AudiÂble’s no-strings-attached deal here.]
Free Online CoursÂes: This list brings togethÂer over 600 free online coursÂes from leadÂing uniÂverÂsiÂties, includÂing StanÂford, Yale, MIT, UC BerkeÂley, Oxford and beyond. These full-fledged coursÂes range across all disÂciÂplines — hisÂtoÂry, physics, phiÂlosÂoÂphy, psyÂcholÂoÂgy and beyond. Most all of these coursÂes are availÂable in audio, and roughÂly 75% are availÂable in video. You can’t receive credÂits or cerÂtifiÂcates for these coursÂes (click here for coursÂes that do offer cerÂtifiÂcates. But the amount of perÂsonÂal enrichÂment you will derive is immeaÂsurÂable.
Free Movies: With a click of a mouse, or a tap of your touch screen, you will have access to 500 great movies. The colÂlecÂtion hosts many clasÂsics, westÂerns, indies, docÂuÂmenÂtaries, silent films and film noir favorites. It feaÂtures work by some of our great direcÂtors (Alfred HitchÂcock, Orson Welles, Andrei Tarkovsky, StanÂley Kubrick, Jean-Luc Godard and David Lynch) and perÂforÂmances by cinÂeÂma legÂends: John Wayne, Jack NicholÂson, Audrey HepÂburn, CharÂlie ChapÂlin, and beyond. On this one page, you will find thouÂsands of hours of cinÂeÂma bliss.
Free LanÂguage Lessons: PerÂhaps learnÂing a new lanÂguage is high on your list of 2013 New Year’s resÂoÂluÂtions. Well, here is a great way to do it. Take your pick of 40 lanÂguages, includÂing SpanÂish, French, ItalÂian, ManÂdarin, EngÂlish, RussÂian, Dutch, even Finnish, YidÂdish and EsperanÂto. These lessons are all free and ready to downÂload.
Free TextÂbooks: And one last item for the lifeÂlong learnÂers among you. We have scoured the web and pulled togethÂer a list of 150 Free TextÂbooks. It’s a great resource parÂticÂuÂlarÂly if you’re lookÂing to learn math, comÂputÂer sciÂence or physics on your own. There might be a diaÂmond in the rough here for you.
Thank SanÂta, maybe thank us, and enjoy that new device.…