If you’ve so much as set foot in the realm of masÂsive online open coursÂes (MOOCs) — a list of which we offer right here on Open CulÂture — you’ve no doubt heard of CoursÂera, which, since it startÂed up in 2012, has become one of the biggest MOOC providers around. Like most growÂing SilÂiÂcon ValÂley comÂpaÂnies, CoursÂera has branched out in sevÂerÂal difÂferÂent direcÂtions, bringÂing in coursÂes from uniÂverÂsiÂties from all over the world as well as offerÂing cerÂtifiÂcate and MasÂter’s proÂgrams. Now, in partÂnerÂship with Google, it has launched a proÂgram to train inforÂmaÂtion-techÂnolÂoÂgy proÂfesÂsionÂals for jobs in the indusÂtry.
Techcrunch’s Ingrid LunÂden describes CoursÂerÂa’s Google IT SupÂport ProÂfesÂsionÂal CerÂtifiÂcate proÂgram as “a course writÂten by Googlers for the CoursÂera platÂform to teach and then test across six funÂdaÂmenÂtal areas of cusÂtomer supÂport: trouÂbleshootÂing and cusÂtomer serÂvice, netÂworkÂing, operÂatÂing sysÂtems, sysÂtem adminÂisÂtraÂtion, automaÂtion, and secuÂriÂty. No priÂor IT expeÂriÂence is necÂesÂsary.” The globÂal, EngÂlish-lanÂguage proÂgram “has 64 hours of courseÂwork in all, and stuÂdents are expectÂed to comÂplete it in eight to 12 months, at a cost of $49/month.” This means “the typÂiÂcal cost of the course for full-payÂing stuÂdents will be between $392 and $588 dependÂing on how long it takes,” which LunÂden calls “a pretÂty good deal” comÂpared to othÂer IT trainÂing proÂgrams.
Amid talk of vanÂishÂing jobs across so many secÂtors of the econÂoÂmy, CoursÂera and Google are marÂketÂing the IT SupÂport ProÂfesÂsionÂal CerÂtifiÂcate as a promisÂing path to gainÂful employÂment: “There’s no betÂter examÂple of a dynamÂic, fast-growÂing field than IT supÂport,” writes Google ProdÂuct Lead NatalÂie Van Kleef ConÂley, citÂing staÂtisÂtics showÂing 150,000 IT supÂport jobs curÂrentÂly open in the UnitÂed states and an averÂage startÂing salary of $52,000. CoursÂera notes that “upon comÂpleÂtion of the cerÂtifiÂcate, you can share your inforÂmaÂtion with top employÂers, like Bank of AmerÂiÂca, WalÂmart, Sprint, GE DigÂiÂtal, PNC Bank, InfosÂys, TEKSysÂtems, UPMC, and, of course, Google.”
If you susÂpect that you might share proÂfesÂsionÂal aspiÂraÂtions with young Edgar BarÂraÂgan of Queens, whose tesÂtiÂmoÂniÂal video shows how he became a Google IT supÂport speÂcialÂist after parÂticÂiÂpatÂing in the proÂgram that evolved into the IT SupÂport ProÂfesÂsionÂal CerÂtifiÂcate, visÂit the offiÂcial page on CoursÂera. There you can read up on the details of the six coursÂes that make up the proÂgram and read answers to the quesÂtions freÂquentÂly asked about it. Do you think you’d excel in a career amid the nuts and bolts of comÂputÂers? With Google and CoursÂerÂa’s proÂgram offiÂcialÂly openÂing next WednesÂday, JanÂuÂary 24th, now’s a good time indeed to figÂure out whether it could get you where you want to be. Get more inforÂmaÂtion and/or enroll here.
Note: Open CulÂture has a partÂnerÂship with CoursÂera. If readÂers enroll in cerÂtain CoursÂera coursÂes, it helps supÂport Open CulÂture.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Based in Seoul, ColÂin MarÂshall writes and broadÂcasts on cities and culÂture. His projects include the book The StateÂless City: a Walk through 21st-CenÂtuÂry Los AngeÂles and the video series The City in CinÂeÂma. FolÂlow him on TwitÂter at @colinmarshall or on FaceÂbook.