FYI: PresÂiÂdenÂtial hisÂtoÂriÂan Doris Kearns Goodwin–author of LeadÂerÂship: In TurÂbuÂlent Times, Team of Rivals: The PolitÂiÂcal Genius of AbraÂham LinÂcoln, and No OrdiÂnary Time: Franklin & Eleanor RooÂsevelt–has just released a new online course on MasÂterÂClass. Here’s the ground that the course covÂers:
AltoÂgethÂer, she’s spent more than 50 years studyÂing great AmerÂiÂcan presÂiÂdents and leadÂers of the past, writÂing sevÂerÂal award-winÂning, bestÂselling biograÂphies, includÂing No OrdiÂnary Time: Franklin and Eleanor RooÂsevelt: The Home Front in World War II, which won the Pulitzer Prize for HisÂtoÂry. Now she’s sharÂing her knowlÂedge and teachÂing you to lead like a presÂiÂdent.
In Doris’s MasÂterÂClass, you can learn to develÂop the charÂacÂterÂisÂtics and human skills of excepÂtionÂal AmerÂiÂcan leadÂerÂship, from LinÂcoln to ObaÂma. Doris brings to life the stoÂries and expeÂriÂences of four presÂiÂdents she knows by heart—Lincoln, TedÂdy RooÂsevelt, FDR, and LBJ—and shares a temÂplate of human skills that make great leadÂers: humilÂiÂty, empaÂthy, resilience, self-awareÂness, self-reflecÂtion, the abilÂiÂty to creÂate a team and comÂmuÂniÂcate through stoÂries, and sharÂing your ambiÂtion for the greater good. She also uses examÂples from othÂer hisÂtorÂiÂcal figÂures, includÂing Eleanor RooÂsevelt, WinÂston Churchill, and MarÂtin Luther King Jr., to teach effecÂtive leadÂerÂship qualÂiÂties and pracÂtiÂcal wisÂdom for every day. Learn how to make betÂter deciÂsions, manÂage a criÂsis, and get a mesÂsage across, whether you’re interÂactÂing with the media, comÂmuÂniÂcatÂing to a team at work, or delivÂerÂing a speech meant to inspire and empowÂer thouÂsands of peoÂple.
In this class, you’ll learn about:
• DevelÂopÂing emoÂtionÂal intelÂliÂgence
• ExpeÂriÂences and stoÂries of U.S. presÂiÂdents
• BuildÂing resilience
• BuildÂing and leadÂing a team
• MakÂing betÂter deciÂsions, big or small
• NavÂiÂgatÂing a criÂsis
• DelivÂerÂing a mesÂsage and conÂsidÂerÂing an audiÂence
• The powÂer of speechÂes
• ReplenÂishÂing your enerÂgy
• Civic engageÂment
You can sign up for Kearns GoodÂwin’s course here.
As a free unreÂlatÂed bonus, you can stream Kearns GoodÂwin’s long interÂview with Tim FerÂris. There, she takes an engagÂing look at the leadÂerÂship skills of four AmerÂiÂcan presidents–Lincoln, FDR, TedÂdy RooÂsevelt and LBJ. It’s well worth a lisÂten…
FYI: If you sign up for a MasÂterÂClass course by clickÂing on the affilÂiÂate links in this post, Open CulÂture will receive a small fee that helps supÂport our operÂaÂtion.
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