In this 90-minute BBC docÂuÂmenÂtary, DanÂgerÂous KnowlÂedge, David MalÂone takes a close look at four mathÂeÂmatiÂcians — Georg CanÂtor, LudÂwig BoltzÂmann, Kurt Gödel and Alan TurÂing – whose thinkÂing proÂfoundÂly influÂenced modÂern mathÂeÂmatÂics but also drove them (or so the proÂgram argues) to insanÂiÂty and evenÂtuÂalÂly suiÂcide. CanÂtor gave us “set theÂoÂry.” BoltzÂmann made imporÂtant conÂtriÂbuÂtions in the fields of staÂtisÂtiÂcal mechanÂics and staÂtisÂtiÂcal therÂmoÂdyÂnamÂics. Gödel is rememÂbered for his incomÂpleteÂness theÂoÂrems. TurÂing built on Gödel’s work and laid the founÂdaÂtion for comÂputÂer sciÂence. They all spent their difÂfiÂcult final years in varÂiÂous states of menÂtal decline.
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