“The LitÂtle Free Library: BilÂlions and bilÂlions read.”
In the 2013 Ted‑X talk above, Todd Bol, founder of the LitÂtle Free Library moveÂment, expressed the desire that one day, he might be able to boast that his labor of love had surÂpassed McDonÂalds with regard to the numÂber of cusÂtomers’ served.
It’s closÂing in…
Bol, who passed away earÂliÂer this month, was inspired by Andrew Carnegie’s misÂsion of repayÂing his own good forÂtune by estabÂlishÂing 2,509 free pubÂlic libraries.
The LitÂtle Free Libraries are vastÂly more numerÂous if less imposÂing than Carnegie’s stateÂly ediÂfices.
Some, like the proÂtoÂtype Bol craftÂed with lumÂber salÂvaged from a garage door in his late mother’s honÂor, resemÂble doll housÂes.
One in Detroit is a dead ringer for DocÂtor Who’s TARDIS.
There’s a bright yelÂlow one emblaÂzoned with charÂacÂters from The SimpÂsons, autoÂgraphed by series creÂator Matt GroenÂing.
OthÂers are housed in repurÂposed suitÂcasÂes, storÂage cabÂiÂnets, or newsÂpaÂper honÂor boxÂes.
While the non-profÂit LitÂtle Free Library store sells sevÂerÂal sturÂdy, weathÂerÂproof modÂels and its webÂsite hosts a healthy colÂlecÂtion of blueÂprints and tips for DIYÂers, Bol was nevÂer docÂtriÂnaire about the aesÂthetÂics, preÂferÂring to leave that up to each volÂunÂteer stewÂard.
He seemed proudÂest of the libraries’ comÂmuÂniÂty buildÂing effect (though he was also pretÂty chuffed when ReadÂer’s Digest ranked the project above Bruce SpringÂsteen in its 2013 feaÂture ”50 SurÂprisÂing ReaÂsons We Love AmerÂiÂca.” )
While not entireÂly devoid of naysayÂers, the goodÂwill surÂroundÂing the LitÂtle Free Library moveÂment canÂnot be underÂesÂtiÂmatÂed.
A stewÂard who postÂed news of his dog’s death on the side of his library received symÂpaÂthy cards from neighÂbors both known and unknown to him.
A stewÂard who speÂcialÂizes in givÂing away cookÂbooks, and invites patrons to snip herbs from an adjaÂcent garÂden, freÂquentÂly wakes to find homeÂmade quiche and othÂer goodÂies on the doorstep.
And when an arsonÂist torched a LitÂtle Free Library in IndiÂanapoÂlis, the comÂmuÂniÂty ralÂlied, vowÂing to get enough donaÂtions to replace it with 100 more.
To date, stewÂards have regÂisÂtered over 75,000, in 85 counÂtries, in serÂvice of Bol’s “Take a book, Leave a book” phiÂlosÂoÂphy.
Find a LitÂtle Free Library near you, learn how to become a stewÂard, or make a donaÂtion on the project’s webÂsite.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The Rise and Fall of the Great Library of AlexanÂdria: An AniÂmatÂed IntroÂducÂtion
Ayun HalÂlÂiÂday is an author, illusÂtraÂtor, theÂater makÂer and Chief PriÂmaÂtolÂoÂgist of the East VilÂlage Inky zine. Join her in NYC on MonÂday, NovemÂber 12 for anothÂer monthÂly installÂment of her book-based variÂety show, NecroÂmancers of the PubÂlic Domain. FolÂlow her @AyunHalliday.