A quick heads up…
FluÂmoÂtion and the Open Video Alliance will be streamÂing a live event on ThursÂday, FebÂruÂary 25th feaÂturÂing Lawrence Lessig, the founÂdaÂtionÂal voice of the free culÂture moveÂment. The 45-minute speech will be delivÂered live from HarÂvard Law School via Flumotion’s StreamÂing PlatÂform, and will explore the relaÂtionÂship between copyÂright, fair use, polÂiÂtics and online video. The speech takes place at 6:00 PM local time (23:00 GMT) and [can be watched live here.]
Get more details from FluÂmoÂtion here.
PS On a relatÂed note, TEDxNYED will stream talks live on March 6th. SpeakÂers will include Lawrence Lessig, HenÂry JenkÂins, Jeff Jarvis, Michael Wesch and othÂers. Looks like a great event. Get more details here.