Just in time to celÂeÂbrate Open EduÂcaÂtion Week, here comes a new iniÂtiaÂtive, the School of Open, a learnÂing enviÂronÂment focused on increasÂing our underÂstandÂing of “openÂness” and the benÂeÂfits it brings to creÂativÂiÂty and eduÂcaÂtion in the digÂiÂtal age.
DevelÂoped by the colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive eduÂcaÂtion platÂform Peer to Peer UniÂverÂsiÂty (P2PU) with orgaÂniÂzaÂtionÂal supÂport from CreÂative ComÂmons, the School of Open aims to spread underÂstandÂing of the powÂer of this brave new world through free online classÂes.
We hear about it all the time: UniÂverÂsal access to research, eduÂcaÂtion and culture—all good things, withÂout a doubt—made posÂsiÂble by things like open source softÂware, open eduÂcaÂtionÂal resources and the like.
But what are these varÂiÂous comÂmuÂniÂties and what do they mean? How can we all learn more and get involved?
School of Open has rolled the conÂverÂsaÂtion back to square one so that underÂstandÂing the basics is easy. Through a list of new coursÂes creÂatÂed by users and experts, peoÂple can learn more about what “openÂness” means and how to apply it. There are stand-alone coursÂes on copyÂright, writÂing for Wikipedia, the colÂlabÂoÂraÂtive enviÂronÂment of open sciÂence, and the process behind makÂing open video.
These free coursÂes start March 18 (sign up by clickÂing the “start course” butÂton by SunÂday, March 17):
These free coursÂes are open for you to take at any time:
The approach at P2PU encourÂages peoÂple to work togethÂer, assess one another’s work, and proÂvide conÂstrucÂtive feedÂback. It’s a great place to learn how to design your own course, because the design process is broÂken down step-by-step, and course conÂtent is vetÂted by users and P2PU staff. The tutoÂrÂiÂal shows you how the process works.
P2PU is also a place to learn more about what is open conÂtent and what is not. ParÂticÂiÂpants in the ongoÂing course Open DetecÂtive learn to idenÂtiÂfy open source media and then demonÂstrate masÂtery by makÂing someÂthing of their own using only open conÂtent. What if you’re realÂly, realÂly proud of the resource you creÂate in Open DetecÂtive? Take it to the next levÂel and get a CreÂative ComÂmons license to make your work availÂable withÂout givÂing up full copyÂright. You guessed it, there’s a course for that too.
Open EduÂcaÂtion Week is in full swing (through MonÂday the 18th). There’s a full schedÂule of webiÂnaÂrs to check out, includÂing disÂcusÂsions about the impliÂcaÂtions of open access for politÂiÂcal strucÂtures like the World Bank, and the impact of open, globÂal teachÂing in SyrÂia.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Total Noob to LearnÂing Online? P2PU’s Peer-to-Peer CoursÂes Hold Your Hand
700 Free Online CoursÂes
A Meta List of MOOCs
What Entered the PubÂlic Domain in 2013? Zip, Nada, Zilch!
Noam ChomÂsky Spells Out the PurÂpose of EduÂcaÂtion
Kate Rix writes about digÂiÂtal media and eduÂcaÂtion. VisÂit her webÂsite at .