With Google’s Street View we can amble through New York City’s High Line Park, around the NationÂal MuseÂum of Iraq in BaghÂdad, and down the cobÂbled streets of Ouro PreÂto, Brazil. Now we can also take a virÂtuÂal hike along the rim of the Grand Canyon, folÂlowÂing Google’s camÂeras along the hisÂtoric Bright Angel trail from its start at the south rim all the way down the Black Bridge over the ColÂorado RivÂer and on to the PhanÂtom Ranch campÂing area.
It’s a perÂfect way to check out the terÂrain before takÂing off for an AriÂzona vacaÂtion.
Unlike views in Google’s earÂliÂer Street View maps, the Grand Canyon phoÂtos are takÂen along rocky, narÂrow trails where no car, snow mobile, or motorÂbike could ever go. So how did Google colÂlect all of the necÂesÂsary images?
The Grand Canyon project is the first to utiÂlize Trekker, a backÂpack-mountÂed camÂera appaÂraÂtus worn by a hikÂer that takes a picÂture every 2.5 secÂonds. Trekker weighs 40 pounds and is operÂatÂed by an Android phone held by the hikÂer. It has 15 camÂeras pointÂed in difÂferÂent angles that can be comÂbined to creÂate panoramÂic views.
FolÂlow the South Kaibab Trail to SkeleÂton Point for majesÂtic 360-degree views of the misty blue Canyon. It took three days to capÂture the main trails of the Canyon’s south rim. Two teams hiked down the Bright Angel Trail, camped at PhanÂtom Ranch and hiked out the next day along the South Kaibab Trail. AnothÂer team stayed at the top, colÂlectÂing images from the rim and from MeteÂor Crater outÂside the park.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Reef View: Google Gives Us StunÂning UnderÂwaÂter Shots of Great Coral Reefs
Google Presents an InterÂacÂtive VisuÂalÂizaÂtion of 100,000 Stars
Google Art Project Expands, BringÂing 30,000 Works of Art from 151 MuseÂums to the Web
Kate Rix writes about digÂiÂtal media and eduÂcaÂtion. Read more of her work at .