Almost exactÂly a year ago, we told you about Google’s release of Course Builder, an open source platÂform that would let you build your own online courses/MOOCs for free. This week, Google has a new announceÂment: it’s joinÂing forces with edX, (the MOOC provider led by HarÂvard and MIT), to work on a new open source platÂform called The new serÂvice will go live in the first half of 2014. And it will allow “any acaÂdÂeÂmÂic instiÂtuÂtion, busiÂness and indiÂvidÂual to creÂate and host online coursÂes.” This will give innoÂvÂaÂtive eduÂcaÂtors the opporÂtuÂniÂty to put a MOOC online withÂout necÂesÂsarÂiÂly makÂing a steep investÂment in a course. (When added all up, the costs can othÂerÂwise be enorÂmous.) If sounds of interÂest to you, you can put your name on a waitÂing list, and they’ll conÂtact you when the serÂvice launchÂes next year.
MeanÂwhile, let me menÂtion that 125 MOOCs will be launchÂing between now and the end of OctoÂber. To see a full list, visÂit or our colÂlecÂtion of 625 MOOCs/Certificate CoursÂes from Great UniÂverÂsiÂties. You’ll find many interÂestÂing titles on the list — HisÂtoÂry of ChiÂnese ArchiÂtecÂture: Part 1; Søren Kierkegaard – SubÂjecÂtivÂiÂty, Irony and the CriÂsis of ModerÂniÂty; Dark MatÂter in GalaxÂies: The Last MysÂtery, and ExplorÂing EngiÂneerÂing, just to name a few. If you have quesÂtions about what MOOCs are all about, please see our new MOOC FAQ.
via The ChronÂiÂcle of HighÂer Ed
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
HarÂvard and MIT CreÂate EDX to Offer MasÂsive Open Online CoursÂes (MOOCs) WorldÂwide
Stephen ColÂbert Tries to Make Sense of MOOCs with the Head of edX