The idea that we are livÂing in a vast comÂputÂer simÂuÂlaÂtion as hyper-sophisÂtiÂcatÂed simÂuÂlatÂed charÂacÂters with limÂitÂed self-awareÂness sounds like the kind of thing that issues forth from stoned phiÂlosÂoÂphy majors in late night dorm room sesÂsions. And no doubt it has, thouÂsands of times over, espeÂcialÂly after 1999, when The Matrix debuted and turned an amalÂgam of PlaÂto, Descartes, BerkeÂley, and othÂer metaÂphysiÂcians into a then-cutÂting-edge sci-fi kung fu flick.
But is it a ridicuÂlous idea? The obviÂous objecÂtion that first arisÂes is: how could we posÂsiÂbly ever know? ComÂputÂer simÂuÂlatÂed charÂacÂters, after all, have no abilÂiÂty to step beyond the conÂfines of the worlds designed for them by proÂgramÂmers, a limÂiÂtaÂtion illusÂtratÂed when one reachÂes a dead-end in a game and finds that, while there may be the image of a forÂest or a field, the game designÂers have seen no need to actuÂalÂly creÂate the enviÂronÂment. Our charÂacÂter bumps up against the game’s edge stuÂpidÂly, until we togÂgle the conÂtrols and move it back into the preÂscribed field of play.
But (fire up your bongs), does the charÂacÂter know it’s reached a dead end? And if the uniÂverse is a simÂuÂlaÂtion, who’s runÂning the damned thing? And why? WelÂcome to “the simÂuÂlaÂtion arguÂment,” a theÂoÂry endorsed by philosoÂpher and futurÂolÂoÂgist Nick Bostrom, TesÂla and Space X founder Elon Musk, and quite a few othÂer non-dorm-dwelling thinkers. “Many peoÂple have imagÂined this sceÂnario over the years,” writes Joshua RothÂman at The New YorkÂer, “usuÂalÂly while high. But recentÂly, a numÂber of philosoÂphers, futurÂists, sciÂence-ficÂtion writÂers, and technologists—people who share a near-reliÂgious faith in techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal progress—have come to believe that the simÂuÂlaÂtion arguÂment is not just plauÂsiÂble, but inescapable.”
GivÂen their quaÂsi-reliÂgious bent, are these techÂnolÂoÂgists and futurÂists simÂply replacÂing a creÂator-god with a creÂator-coder to flatÂter themÂselves? Judge for yourÂself, firstÂly perÂhaps by lisÂtenÂing to Musk explain the conÂcept in brief at a Recode ConÂferÂence above. (If you find yourÂself comÂfortÂed by his answer, you may just be a game designÂer.) Then, for a more sprawlÂing, pop-culÂturÂal dive into the simÂuÂlaÂtion arguÂment, spend an hour with The SimÂuÂlaÂtion HypothÂeÂsis at the top of the post, a docÂuÂmenÂtary that—depending on the laws of your curÂrent place of residence—may or may not be enhanced by an ediÂble.
We might also refÂerÂence Bostrom’s 2003 artiÂcle—or watch him describe his posiÂtion in the video below. Bostrom specÂuÂlates that we might be livÂing in an “ancesÂtor simÂuÂlaÂtion” run by an incredÂiÂbly advanced civÂiÂlizaÂtion thouÂsands of years in our future. Like Musk, writes RothÂman, he conÂcludes that “we are far more likeÂly to be livÂing inside a simÂuÂlaÂtion right now than to be livÂing outÂside of one.” The posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty raisÂes all sorts of disÂturbÂing quesÂtions about the realÂiÂty of choice, the moral meanÂing of our actions, and the nature of human idenÂtiÂty. These are quesÂtions philosoÂphers (and Philip K. Dick) have always asked, but until recentÂly, they had litÂtle recourse to indeÂpenÂdent conÂfirÂmaÂtion of their hypotheÂses. Now, as you’ll disÂcovÂer in The SimÂuÂlaÂtion HypothÂeÂsis, physiÂcists have begun to disÂcovÂer that “our uniÂverse isn’t an objecÂtive realÂiÂty.”
It is indeed perÂfectÂly plauÂsiÂble, givÂen the expoÂnenÂtial speed with which techÂnolÂoÂgy advances, that we will be able to run simÂuÂlaÂtions with the same levÂel of sophisÂtiÂcaÂtion as our realÂiÂty in a matÂter of a few genÂerÂaÂtions or less… proÂvidÂed we don’t destroy ourÂselves first or comÂpleteÂly lose interÂest. Which answers the quesÂtion of who might be runÂning the proÂgram. As with the highÂer beings in InterÂstelÂlar who reach back to give the dying human species a hand, “there is,” writes RothÂman, “no sancÂtiÂty or holiÂness in the simÂuÂlaÂtion arguÂment. The peoÂple outÂside the simÂuÂlaÂtion aren’t gods,” or even aliens, “they’re us.” Or some sufÂfiÂcientÂly evolved verÂsion, that is, whose techÂnoÂlogÂiÂcal achieveÂments would likeÂly seem to us like magÂic.
The SimÂuÂlaÂtion HypothÂeÂsis will be added to our list of Free DocÂuÂmenÂtaries, a subÂset of our colÂlecÂtion, 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great ClasÂsics, Indies, Noir, WestÂerns, DocÂuÂmenÂtaries & More.
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Josh Jones is a writer and musiÂcian based in Durham, NC. FolÂlow him at @jdmagness