At MIT, Dr. PaoÂla RebusÂco usuÂalÂly teachÂes physics to freshÂmen. But, on behalf of the MIT ExperÂiÂmenÂtal Study Group, RebusÂco has devised an appealÂing course — Speak ItalÂian with Your Mouth Full — where she comÂbines teachÂing two things many peoÂple love: learnÂing to speak ItalÂian and cookÂing ItalÂian food. The course sumÂmaÂry reads:
The parÂticÂiÂpants in this semÂiÂnar will dive into learnÂing basic conÂverÂsaÂtionÂal ItalÂian, ItalÂian culÂture, and the MediterÂranean diet. Each class is based on the prepaÂraÂtion of a deliÂcious dish and on the bite-sized acquiÂsiÂtion of parts of the ItalÂian lanÂguage and culÂture. A good diet is not based on recipes only, it is also rootÂed in healthy habits and in culÂture. At the end of the semÂiÂnar the parÂticÂiÂpants will be able to cook some healthy and tasty recipes and to underÂstand and speak basic ItalÂian.
As RebusÂco explains in a short video, this course has the advanÂtage of makÂing the lanÂguage lessons a litÂtle less abstract. It gives stuÂdents a chance to apply what they’ve learned (new vocabÂuÂlary words, proÂnunÂciÂaÂtions, etc.) in a fun, pracÂtiÂcal conÂtext.
Above, we start you off with the first lanÂguage lesÂson in the semÂiÂnar. It begins where all basic coursÂes start — with how to say your name. Below, you can watch the class learn to cook fresh pasÂta. Along the way, the course also teachÂes stuÂdents how to make espresÂso, risotÂto, homeÂmade pizÂza, bruschetÂta, and bisÂcotÂti. LecÂtures for the course can be found on the MIT web site, YouTube and iTunes. Speak ItalÂian with Your Mouth Full also appears in our colÂlecÂtion of Free ForÂeign LanÂguage Lessons and 1200 Free CoursÂes Online. Buon AppetiÂto!
IngreÂdiÂents & CookÂing InstrucÂtion:
Food PrepaÂraÂtion
Note: An earÂliÂer verÂsion of this post appeared on our site way back in 2012.
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