As famousÂly studÂied as they are, the 18 GalaÂpaÂgos Islands haven’t been well mapped. And research in the GalaÂpaÂgos, sitÂuÂatÂed more than 500 miles west of Ecuador, is expenÂsive and difÂfiÂcult. Maybe that’s part of the islands’ allure—that and the stunÂning bioÂdiÂverÂsiÂty.
In partÂnerÂship with the Charles DarÂwin FounÂdaÂtion and GalaÂpaÂgos NationÂal Park, Google sent a team armed with Street View Trekker camÂeras to creÂate an entireÂly new 360 degree Street View expeÂriÂence that makes three major islands, a fragÂile torÂtoise breedÂing area and coastal areas, availÂable to visÂiÂtors locatÂed anyÂwhere with an InterÂnet conÂnecÂtion.
DarÂwin made his first expeÂdiÂtion to the islands 178 years ago. This might have been his first view of San CristoÂbal Island.
After explorÂing San Cristobal’s rocky coast, Google trekkers made their way to GalaÂpaÂguera, a giant torÂtoise breedÂing cenÂter, where they saw newÂly hatched babies and adults munchÂing on leaves and stalks.
Off the coast of FloÂreÂana Island, trekkers went underÂwaÂter and caught images of seals playÂing in the water. They also shot images inside the Charles DarÂwin Research Station’s verÂteÂbrate, inverÂteÂbrate and plant colÂlecÂtions.
Google does a good job of docÂuÂmentÂing its own process. Trekkers travÂeled to GalaÂpaÂgos in May and spent 10 days hikÂing, boatÂing, and divÂing. It’s fun to watch them climb and scoot around the islands loaded with a geoÂdesÂic camÂera backÂpack.
SciÂenÂtists get realÂly excitÂed when they find new tools to do their work. And why shouldn’t they? These islands are amazÂing and are home to so many unique species, like the Marine IguaÂna. We landÂlubÂbers may not get there anyÂtime soon, but this is the next best thing.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Read the OrigÂiÂnal LetÂters Where Charles DarÂwin Worked Out His TheÂoÂry of EvoÂluÂtion
The Genius of Charles DarÂwin Revealed in Three-Part Series by Richard Dawkins
DarÂwin: A 1993 Film by Peter GreenÂaway
Kate Rix writes about eduÂcaÂtion and digÂiÂtal media. FolÂlow her on TwitÂter.