The ground underÂneath traÂdiÂtionÂal pubÂlishÂing has shiftÂed once again. Scribd, the “YouTube of docÂuÂments,” has opened up a new store where authors can upload and sell their books. And here’s the clinchÂer. You don’t need a costÂly gadÂget (like the KinÂdle) to read these digÂiÂtal books. Any comÂputÂer with an interÂnet conÂnecÂtion will do. And apparÂentÂly, you can use smart phones as well.
As notÂed in the LA Times, KemÂble Scott, a bestÂselling author from San FranÂcisÂco, has pubÂlished his secÂond book — The SowÂer — on Scribd, and it goes for $2 per copy. Of that, Scott will get to keep $1.60, which beats the cut he received for his first traÂdiÂtionÂalÂly-pubÂlished book. You can watch a video introÂducÂing the new digÂiÂtal book marÂketÂplace above. You can also read more about it in The New York Times. If you have some thoughts about ScribÂd’s new move, let us know in the comÂments below.