A litÂtle sideÂbar to our preÂviÂous post that wonÂders whether AmaÂzon’s KinÂdle can revÂoÂluÂtionÂize the book indusÂtry…
1) When you buy an iPod, you can transÂfer all of your curÂrent music onto it. With KinÂdle you have to start buyÂing all new books.
2) The paper-form book (aka “dead tree verÂsion”) is still the best techÂnolÂoÂgy for readÂing: fulÂly portable, a nice thing to own and put on shelves, great for sharÂing, good in bed, at beach, etc. If you lose it or get it wet, no big deal—easily replaceÂable.
3) Music has conÂstantÂly found new forÂmats that improve on the old. Same for the iPod. It’s unquesÂtionÂably betÂter than that bigÂger, skipÂping CD playÂer. Books haven’t been able to improve on the form for cenÂturies.
4) HoldÂing 100 albums in your hand is great. HoldÂing 100 books? Not as much.
5) How often do you realÂly go away for so long that you need 10+ books? (BookÂstores are everyÂwhere.)
6) KinÂdle is too expenÂsive (see #1) and too big.
7) Books take much longer to conÂsume, don’t work well in indiÂvidÂual (shufÂfled) parts, and we often only read them once.
8.) Now that you can carÂry music on your phone, and the iPhone has bunÂdled music, email, interÂnet, and teleÂphone in one small size, is anyÂone realÂly willÂing to buy a bigÂger iPhone or KinÂdle just to read books on it?
9) Most of us spend more time lisÂtenÂing to music than readÂing. We just do; it’s easÂiÂer to do while we’re involved with othÂer things.
10) Books: they’re betÂter!
Seth HarÂwood podÂcasts his ideas on the pubÂlishÂing indusÂtry and his ficÂtion for free at sethharwood.com. He is curÂrentÂly figÂurÂing out how pubÂlishÂers should best approach the new, emergÂing e‑book marÂket. Hear his ideas in his latÂest Hot Tub Cast™ and read them here soon. His first novÂel is JACK WAKES UP, in stores now.