VinÂcent Van Gogh’s The StarÂry Night is one of the most popÂuÂlar and easÂiÂly recÂogÂnized paintÂings on earth. If you haven’t seen it perÂson, you’ve probÂaÂbly seen it reproÂduced on a postÂcard, a tote bag, or a t‑shirt.
MusiÂcian ShelÂdon Clarke was a StarÂry Night virÂgin when he startÂed workÂing as a secuÂriÂty offiÂcer at the MuseÂum of ModÂern Art:
I knew nothÂing about VinÂcent or StarÂry Night before I startÂed workÂing here. And I rememÂber the first time I stood at that painting…first of all, I was so amazed at the reacÂtion of the pubÂlic. There was always a group of peoÂple just fightÂing to look at it or take picÂtures or take selfÂies and I was just curiÂous to know like, who is this painter and why is everyÂone so excitÂed to see this piece?
Now, Clarke is sufÂfiÂcientÂly well versed to hold forth on both the nature of the artÂwork and cirÂcumÂstances in which the artist creÂatÂed it. He is, with Senior PaintÂings ConÂserÂvaÂtor Anny AviÂram, AssoÂciate CuraÂtor Cara Manes, and Robert Kastler, direcÂtor of ImagÂing and VisuÂal Resources, one of four MoMA staffers to give some conÂtext, while tryÂing their hands at the new StarÂry Night LEGO set.
A colÂlabÂoÂraÂtion between MoMA and LEGO, the set reinÂterÂprets Van Gogh’s thick impasÂto brushÂwork in 2316 tiny plasÂtic bricks, includÂing a mini figÂure of the artist, equipped with paintÂbrush, palette, easel, and an adjustable arm for posiÂtionÂing him at sufÂfiÂcient disÂtance to gain perÂspecÂtive on his world famous work.
The set is the winÂning entry in a LEGO Ideas comÂpeÂtiÂtion. DesignÂer TruÂman Cheng, a 25-year-old LEGO fan and PhD canÂdiÂdate focusÂing on medÂical robotÂics and magÂnetÂic conÂtrolled surÂgiÂcal endoÂscopes. He had long wantÂed to renÂder The StarÂry Night in LEGO, bu its exeÂcuÂtion required a lightÂbulb moment:
One day, I was just playÂing with LEGO parts, and I realÂized that stackÂing LEGO plates togethÂer at ranÂdom interÂvals looks a lot like van Gogh’s iconÂic brush strokes. I couldn’t help but wonÂder what the full paintÂing would look like with this build style.
As AviÂram and Kastler point out, the set cleaves faithÂfulÂly to Van Gogh’s limÂitÂed palette. Some LEGO fans report that buildÂing up the blue backÂground layÂers is the most chalÂlengÂing aspect of assemÂbling the 11”x14.5” kit:
I’m 54 and the colÂors, being kind of close, were playÂing games with my eyes. LOL This is my favorite LEGO of all time! In closÂing, if you haven’t heard the song, VinÂcent by Don McLean, I sugÂgest you take a lisÂten to this song as you stare at this LEGO masÂterÂpiece.
Order LEGO’s VinÂcent van Gogh - The StarÂry Night set from AmaÂzon.
RelatÂed ConÂtent
VinÂcent Van Gogh’s “The StarÂry Night”: Why It’s a Great PaintÂing in 15 MinÂutes
The UnexÂpectÂed Math Behind Van Gogh’s “StarÂry Night”
Zoom Into a Super High ResÂoÂluÂtion PhoÂto of Van Gogh’s “The StarÂry Night”
- Ayun HalÂlÂiÂday is the Chief PriÂmaÂtolÂoÂgist of the East VilÂlage Inky zine and author, most recentÂly, of CreÂative, Not Famous: The Small PotaÂto ManÂiÂfesto. FolÂlow her @AyunHalliday.