“Unique” is an overused word, so much so that it appears in overqualÂiÂfied redunÂdanÂcies like “comÂpleteÂly” or “very unique.” But, what the hell, I’m going to go ahead and call Dan Philips very unique. Philips, who has worked in army intelÂliÂgence, and as a dance instrucÂtor and antiques dealÂer, seems to have finalÂly found his callÂing at age 64: buildÂing cusÂtom housÂes out of up to 80 perÂcent salÂvaged and recyÂcled materials—from conÂstrucÂtion castoffs like old doors and odd-shaped beams to catÂtle bones, wine botÂtles, and license plates. In the TED talk above, Philips, a very witÂty and engagÂing speakÂer with a slight build and bushy hanÂdleÂbar musÂtache, walks an audiÂence through some of his idioÂsynÂcratÂic designs, remarkÂing on details like eggshells as decÂoÂraÂtive butÂtons, salÂvaged vinÂtage appliÂances, his own low-tech soluÂtions for launÂdry chutes and bathÂtubs, and a surÂprisÂingÂly tasteÂful “BudÂweisÂer House.”
If any of this sounds a bit quirk-for-quirk’s sake, it’s not (entireÂly). Philips is a man with a seriÂous purÂpose. As a New York Times proÂfile put it, he is “ferÂventÂly comÂmitÂted to his vision of buildÂing for low-income peoÂple,” espeÂcialÂly poor, sinÂgle mothÂers (Philips’ father abanÂdoned his famÂiÂly when he was 17). A self-taught plumber, carÂpenÂter, and elecÂtriÂcian, his vision—articulated through his Huntsville, TX comÂpaÂny Phoenix ComÂmoÂtion—includes housÂing that is not only strucÂturalÂly sound, but also archiÂtecÂturalÂly beauÂtiÂful. “I think mobile homes are a blight on the planÂet,” he says. “AttracÂtive, affordÂable housÂing is posÂsiÂble and I’m out to prove it.” While many of his buyÂers defaultÂed on their mortÂgages durÂing the recent crises, and some of his housÂes have been “gentrified”—sold to upper midÂdle-class famÂiÂlies attractÂed by the design feaÂtures and enerÂgy efficiency—Philips is still pleased that his conÂstrucÂtion repÂreÂsents the realÂiÂty of susÂtainÂable design with recyÂcled mateÂriÂals and a buildÂing phiÂlosÂoÂphy that tranÂscends the endÂless visÂtas of bland nouÂveau coloÂnials, ranch homes, and shodÂdy tract housÂing that seems to stretch across every subÂurÂban landÂscape.
Click here for a slideshow of sevÂerÂal of Philips’ creÂations.
Josh Jones is a docÂtorÂal canÂdiÂdate in EngÂlish at FordÂham UniÂverÂsiÂty and a co-founder and forÂmer manÂagÂing ediÂtor of GuerÂniÂca / A MagÂaÂzine of Arts and PolÂiÂtics.