It can be chalÂlengÂing to parse the meanÂing of many non-narÂraÂtive artÂworks.
SomeÂtimes the title will offer a clue, or the artist will shed some light in an interÂview.
Is it a comÂment on the culÂturÂal, socio-ecoÂnomÂic or politÂiÂcal conÂtext in which it was creÂatÂed?
Or is the act of creÂatÂing it the artist’s most salient point?
Are mulÂtiÂple interÂpreÂtaÂtions posÂsiÂble?
Artist Jim SanÂborn’s masÂsive sculpÂture KrypÂtos may inspire varÂiÂous reacÂtions in its viewÂers, but there’s defÂiÂniteÂly a sinÂgle corÂrect interÂpreÂtaÂtion.
But 78-year-old SanÂborn isn’t sayÂing what…
He wants someÂone else to idenÂtiÂfy it.
KrypÂtos’ main mysÂtery — more like “a ridÂdle wrapped in a mysÂtery inside an enigÂma” to quote WinÂston Churchill — was hand cut into an S‑shaped copÂper screen using jigÂsaws.
Image courÂtesy of the CIA
ProÂfesÂsionÂal cryptÂanÂaÂlysts, hobÂbyÂists, and stuÂdents have been attemptÂing to crack the code of its 865 letÂters and 4 quesÂtion marks since 1990, when it was installed on the grounds of CIA headÂquarÂters in LanÂgÂley, VirÂginia.
The hands-on part fell well withÂin Sanborn’s purview. But a MasÂters in sculpÂture from Pratt InstiÂtute does not autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly conÂfer crypÂtogÂraÂphy bonafides, so SanÂborn enlistÂed Edward ScheiÂdt, the retired chairÂman of the CIA’s CrypÂtoÂgraphÂic CenÂter, for a crash course in late 20th-cenÂtuÂry codÂing sysÂtems.
SanÂborn samÂpled varÂiÂous codÂing methÂods for the finÂished piece, wantÂiÂng the act of deciÂpherÂing to feel like “peelÂing layÂers off an onion.”
That onion has been parÂtialÂly peeled for years.
DeciÂpherÂing three of its four panÂels is a pelt shared by comÂputÂer sciÂenÂtist and forÂmer presÂiÂdent of the AmerÂiÂcan CrypÂtogram AssoÂciÂaÂtion, James GilloÂgly, and CIA anaÂlyst David Stein.
GilloÂgly arrived at his soluÂtion in 1999, using a PenÂtium II.
Stein reached the same conÂcluÂsion a year earÂliÂer, after chipÂping away at it for some 400 hours with penÂcil and paper, though the CIA kept his achieveÂment on the down low until GilloÂgly went pubÂlic with his.
The folÂlowÂing year the NationÂal SecuÂriÂty Agency claimed that four of their employÂees, workÂing colÂlabÂoÂraÂtiveÂly, had reached an idenÂtiÂcal soluÂtion in 1992, a fact corÂrobÂoÂratÂed by docÂuÂments obtained through the FreeÂdom of InforÂmaÂtion Act.
(On a relatÂed note, I got WorÂdle in three this mornÂing…)
This still leaves the 97-charÂacÂter phrase from the final panÂel up for grabs. CrackÂing it will be the penulÂtiÂmate step in solvÂing KrypÂtos’ puzÂzle. As SanÂborn told NPR in 2020, “that phrase is in itself a ridÂdle:”
It’s mysÂteÂriÂous. It’s going to lead to someÂthing else. It’s not going to be finÂished when it’s decodÂed.
The pubÂlic is welÂcome to conÂtinÂue makÂing eduÂcatÂed guessÂes.
SanÂborn has leaked three clues over the years, all words that can be found in the final pasÂsage of decryptÂed text.
BERLIN, at posiÂtions 64 — 69 (2010)
CLOCK, at posiÂtions 70 — 74 (2014)
NORTHEAST, at posiÂtion 26 — 34
Have you solved it, yet?
Don’t feel bad…
SanÂborn has been fieldÂing incorÂrect answers daiÂly for decades, though a risÂing tide of aggresÂsive and racist mesÂsages led him to charge 50 bucks per subÂmisÂsion, to which he responds via e‑mail, with absoluteÂly no hope of hints.
KrypÂtos’ most dedÂiÂcatÂed fans, like game develÂopÂer /cryptologist ElonÂka Dunin, seen plyÂing SanÂborn with copiÂous quanÂtiÂties of sushi above in Great Big StoÂry’s video, find valÂue in workÂing togethÂer and, someÂtimes, in perÂson.
Their dream is that SanÂborn might inadÂverÂtentÂly let slip a valuÂable tidÂbit in their presÂence, though that seems like a long shot.
The artist claims to have gotÂten very skilled at mainÂtainÂing a pokÂer face.
(Wait, does that sugÂgest his interÂlocuÂtors have been getÂting warmer?)
Dunin has relinÂquished all fanÂtasies of solvÂing KrypÂtos solo, and now works to help someÂone — anyÂone — solve it.
(Please, Lord, don’t let it be chatÂGÂPT…)
SanÂford has put a conÂtinÂgency plan in place in case no one ever manÂages to get to the botÂtom of the KrypÂtos (ancient Greek for “hidÂden”) conunÂdrum.
He, or repÂreÂsenÂtaÂtives of his estate, will aucÂtion off the soluÂtion. He is conÂtent with letÂting the winÂning bidÂder decide whether or not to share what’s been revealed to them.
“I do realÂize that the valÂue of KrypÂtos is unknown and that perÂhaps this conÂcept will bear litÂtle fruit,” he told the New York Times, though if one takes the massÂes of peoÂple desÂperÂate to learn the soluÂtion and facÂtors in Sanford’s intenÂtion to donate all proÂceeds to cliÂmate research, it may well bear quite a healthy amount of fruit.
Join ElonÂka Dunin’s online comÂmuÂniÂty of KrypÂtos enthuÂsiÂasts here.
To give you a taste of what you’re in for, here are the first two panÂels, folÂlowed by their soluÂtions, with the artist’s intenÂtionÂal misÂspellings intact.
EncryptÂed Text
DecryptÂed Text
Between subÂtle shadÂing and the absence of light lies the nuance of iqluÂsion.
EncryptÂed Text
DecryptÂed Text
It was totalÂly invisÂiÂble Hows that posÂsiÂble? They used the Earths magÂnetÂic field X
The inforÂmaÂtion was gathÂered and transÂmitÂted underÂgruÂund to an unknown locaÂtion X
Does LanÂgÂley know about this? They should Its buried out there someÂwhere X
Who knows the exact locaÂtion? Only WW This was his last mesÂsage X
ThirÂty eight degrees fifty sevÂen minÂutes six point five secÂonds north
SevÂenÂty sevÂen degrees eight minÂutes forty four secÂonds west ID by rows
View step by step soluÂtions for the first three of KrypÂtos’ encryptÂed panÂels here.
RelatÂed ConÂtent
The EnigÂma Machine: How Alan TurÂing Helped Break the UnbreakÂable Nazi Code
– Ayun HalÂlÂiÂday is the Chief PriÂmaÂtolÂoÂgist of the East VilÂlage Inky zine and author, most recentÂly, of CreÂative, Not Famous: The Small PotaÂto ManÂiÂfesto and CreÂative, Not Famous ActivÂiÂty Book. FolÂlow her @AyunHalliday.