Let me prefÂace things by sayÂing this will likeÂly be our last WikÂiLeaks post for a while. Don’t want to slip into WikÂiLeaks overkill. With that said…
YesÂterÂday, Sir David Frost landÂed the first teleÂviÂsion interÂview with Julian Assange since his release from a LonÂdon jail. The 24 minute interÂview aired on Al Jazeera EngÂlish (where Frost hosts a show called Frost Over the World) and pretÂty quickÂly they dive into some imporÂtant quesÂtions: Do govÂernÂments have the right to keep state secrets? And do media orgaÂniÂzaÂtions have the right to divulge such secrets? AssumÂing so, where (if anyÂwhere) must jourÂnalÂists draw the line? Why has WikÂiLeaks recentÂly takÂen aim at the UnitÂed States? Is it fair to charÂacÂterÂize WikÂiLeaks as an anarÂchic orgaÂniÂzaÂtion? The list of quesÂtions goes on, includÂing ones delvÂing into Assange’s legal probÂlems. Thanks for @eacion for the heads up on this one…