We take you back to anothÂer era when fundÂing for pubÂlic broadÂcastÂing was in doubt – to 1969, when Richard Nixon planned to cut PBS’ fundÂing from $20 milÂlion to $10 milÂlion. Here Fred Rogers, the genÂtle creÂator of MisÂter Rogers’ NeighÂborÂhood, gets six short minÂutes before SenÂaÂtor John PasÂtore, the chairÂman of the SubÂcomÂmitÂtee on ComÂmuÂniÂcaÂtions, and makes his pitch for pubÂlicly-fundÂed eduÂcaÂtionÂal teleÂviÂsion. In those 360 secÂonds, Rogers gets the gruff senÂaÂtor to do a comÂplete 180 – to end up sayÂing “It looks like you just earned the 20 milÂlion dolÂlars.” And, indeed, it turned out just that way. Those were the days…
via @webacion