In late FebÂruÂary, Charles FerÂguÂson’s film – Inside Job – won the AcadÂeÂmy Award for Best DocÂuÂmenÂtary. And now the film docÂuÂmentÂing the causÂes of the 2008 globÂal finanÂcial meltÂdown has made its way online. A corÂrupt finanÂcial indusÂtry, its corÂroÂsive relaÂtionÂship with politiÂcians, acaÂdÂeÂmics and regÂuÂlaÂtors, and the trilÂlions of damÂage done, it all gets docÂuÂmentÂed in this film that runs a litÂtle shy of 2 hours.
Inside Job can be purÂchased on DVD at AmaÂzon. We all love free, but let’s rememÂber that good projects cost real monÂey to develÂop, and they could use real finanÂcial supÂport. So please conÂsidÂer buyÂing a copy.
HopeÂfulÂly watchÂing or buyÂing this film won’t be a pointÂless act, even though it can rightÂly feel that way. As Charles FerÂguÂson remindÂed us durÂing his Oscar accepÂtance speech, we are three years beyond the Wall Street criÂsis and taxÂpayÂers (you) got fleeced for bilÂlions. But still not one Wall Street exec is facÂing crimÂiÂnal charges. WelÂcome to your pluÂtocÂraÂcy…