WernÂer HerÂzog doesÂn’t work under any illuÂsions. In this StuÂdio Q interÂview, the filmÂmakÂer tells Jian GhomeÂshi that “movies don’t change things.” “Even influÂenÂtial docÂuÂmenÂtaries like Inside Job “do not realÂly change the course of our lives.” And that applies to his latÂest film, Into the Abyss, which takes a DosÂtoyevskian look at a triple murÂder comÂmitÂted in Texas. (See trailÂer below.) Into the Abyss probÂaÂbly won’t change the U.S. penal sysÂtem, or how the death penalÂty gets metÂed out. But that was nevÂer the point of the film, and it’s not why HerÂzog threw himÂself, body and soul, into what he calls the most intense filmÂmakÂing expeÂriÂence of his life, a project that left him feelÂing each day like he had been “hit by a truck.” The conÂverÂsaÂtion runs 25 minÂutes. h/t @webacion
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
WernÂer HerÂzog Reads “Go the F**k to Sleep” in NYC (NSFW)
WernÂer HerÂzog LosÂes a Bet to Errol MorÂris, and Eats His Shoe (LitÂerÂalÂly)
WernÂer HerÂzog and CorÂmac McCarthy Talk SciÂence and CulÂture