This fall, the world’s popÂuÂlaÂtion reached sevÂen bilÂlion. A soberÂing thought. How did we get to this point? ProÂducÂer Adam Cole and phoÂtogÂraÂphÂer MagÂgie StarÂbard of NationÂal PubÂlic Radio have put the world’s accelÂerÂatÂing popÂuÂlaÂtion growth in perÂspecÂtive in a two-and-a-half minute video, above.
In those two and a half minÂutes, 638 babies will be born worldÂwide, accordÂing to staÂtisÂtics from the UnitÂed States CenÂsus Bureau, and 265 peoÂple will die. That’s a net gain of 373 peoÂple, just while you watch the film. The biggest growth, accordÂing to NPR, is hapÂpenÂing in sub-SahaÂran Africa, where access to famÂiÂly planÂning is low and infant morÂtalÂiÂty rates are high.
It may seem counter-intuÂitive that popÂuÂlaÂtion growth rates are high where infant surÂvival rates are low, but as Swedish globÂal health expert Hans Rosling put it durÂing a recent TED talk, “Only by child surÂvival can we conÂtrol popÂuÂlaÂtion growth.” Because popÂuÂlaÂtion growth and infant morÂtalÂiÂty rates are both corÂreÂlatÂed to poverÂty rates, he argues, elimÂiÂnatÂing poverÂty is the key to achievÂing a susÂtainÂable world popÂuÂlaÂtion. You can learn more in our NovemÂber 1 feaÂture, “Hans Rosling Uses IKEA Props to Explain World of 7 BilÂlion PeoÂple.”