Ian BremÂmer, a politÂiÂcal sciÂenÂtist and presÂiÂdent of EuraÂsia Group, has an intelÂliÂgent, fair, and humane way of explainÂing crises around the world. That includes the curÂrent criÂsis in the MidÂdle East. Above, he spends an hour disÂcussing the Israeli-PalesÂtinÂian conÂflict and its geo-politÂiÂcal and hisÂtorÂiÂcal conÂtext. SpeakÂing with BigÂThink’s ediÂtor-in-chief, Robert ChapÂman-Smith, BremÂmer delves “into interÂnal polÂiÂtics in Israel — includÂing growÂing disÂsent against the govÂernÂment, how the conÂflict in Gaza is being hanÂdled, the influÂence of hard-right politÂiÂcal parÂties, and the impact of these facÂtors on the relaÂtionÂship between Israel and the PalesÂtiniÂans.” Below you can find timeÂstamps for the difÂferÂent subÂjects covÂered.
0:00 PalesÂtiniÂans forÂgotÂten
6:30 Israel’s domesÂtic instaÂbilÂiÂty
13:17 Israel and Gulf states
19:28 Hamas’ stratÂeÂgy
27:06 Social media disÂinÂforÂmaÂtion
37:20 Israel’s stratÂeÂgy and peace
44:40 U.S. supÂport for Israel
49:32 World War 3?
54:07 Two-state soluÂtion
RelatÂed ConÂtent
We give you two perÂspecÂtives on what’s hapÂpenÂing in the MidÂdle East this week.
Above, forÂeign affairs columÂnist Fareed Zakaria talks with Scott GalÂloway about the conÂflict in Israel, proÂvidÂing hisÂtorÂiÂcal conÂtext and explorÂing what’s likeÂly to come. And below Yuval Noah Harari (hisÂtoÂriÂan, philosoÂpher and best-sellÂing author of SapiÂens and Homo Deus) takes you inside the Israeli response to the masÂsacres, how Israel might respond, and whether the prospects for peace have essenÂtialÂly vanÂished for quite some time.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
Ian BremÂmer on The Israel-Hamas War, and What It Means for the World
In the wake of Hamas’ grueÂsome attack on Israeli civilÂians, politÂiÂcal sciÂenÂtist Ian BremÂmer explains “the hisÂtorÂiÂcal conÂtext of the conÂflict, how Israel might respond and what it means for Jews, PalesÂtiniÂans and the world at large.” The conÂverÂsaÂtion also covÂers “how the US may facÂtor into the globÂal response and how to find reliÂable inforÂmaÂtion amid the breathÂless media covÂerÂage and the fog of war.” HostÂed by TED’s head of curaÂtion Helen WalÂters, this conÂverÂsaÂtion was recordÂed on OctoÂber 9, 2023.
His presÂiÂdenÂtial camÂpaign has endÂed before it startÂed. But Ron DeSanÂtis is the last to know it. And so he conÂtinÂues panÂderÂing to Trump’s base. After shipÂping migrants to Martha’s VineÂyard, the FloriÂda govÂerÂnor now picks costÂly fights with DisÂney, his state’s secÂond largest employÂer; bans books in FloriÂda pubÂlic schools; and exerts politÂiÂcal presÂsure on the state’s pubÂlic colÂleges and uniÂverÂsiÂties.
At the New ColÂlege of FloriÂda, DeSanÂtis is using the cudÂgel of govÂernÂment to transÂform a traÂdiÂtionÂal libÂerÂal arts colÂlege into a conÂserÂvÂaÂtive-leanÂing instiÂtuÂtion. If you’re not folÂlowÂing what’s hapÂpenÂing at New ColÂlege, read this proÂfile in The New YorkÂer. The artiÂcle will help set the stage for the video above.
There, you will see author Neil Gaiman speakÂing at an alterÂnaÂtive gradÂuÂaÂtion arranged by New ColÂlege stuÂdents. Not wantÂiÂng to parÂticÂiÂpate in the offiÂcial gradÂuÂaÂtion archiÂtectÂed by the school’s new conÂserÂvÂaÂtive bossÂes (the event feaÂtured Scott Atlas, the radiÂolÂoÂgist who became Trump’s conÂtroÂverÂsial Covid “expert,” how inspirÂing!), the stuÂdents arranged an alt gradÂuÂaÂtion and invitÂed Gaiman to speak via video. Through a perÂsonÂal stoÂry, The SandÂman author remindÂed the stuÂdents of the libÂerÂal arts valÂues that underÂgird the school, and left stuÂdents with some timeÂly advice: “You must fight for what you believe to be right while nevÂer losÂing your sense of humor or your sense of proÂporÂtion.” Here’s to hopÂing that New ColÂlege outÂlasts the erstÂwhile presÂiÂdenÂtial conÂtender.
RelatÂed ConÂtent
Neil Gaiman Gives GradÂuÂates 10 EssenÂtial Tips for WorkÂing in the Arts
John Waters’ RISD GradÂuÂaÂtion Speech: Real Wealth Is Life WithÂout A*Holes
AccordÂing to a new report pubÂlished by PEN AmerÂiÂca, the “2022–23 school year has been marked to date by an escaÂlaÂtion of book bans and cenÂsorÂship in classÂrooms and school libraries across the UnitÂed States.” PEN AmerÂiÂca has tracked “1,477 instances of indiÂvidÂual books banned, affectÂing 874 unique titles,” durÂing the first half of this acaÂdÂeÂmÂic year. That marks an increase of 28 perÂcent comÂpared to the priÂor six months, JanÂuÂary – June 2022.” The book banÂnings are takÂing place in conÂserÂvÂaÂtive-leanÂing states (mainÂly, Texas, FloriÂda, MisÂsouri, Utah, and South CarÂoliÂna), and overÂwhelmÂingÂly, they’re tarÂgetÂing “stoÂries by and about peoÂple of colÂor and LGBTQ+ indiÂvidÂuÂals.”
ForÂtuÂnateÂly, AmerÂiÂcan pubÂlic libraries are pushÂing back. As menÂtioned last sumÂmer, the BrookÂlyn PubÂlic Library launched Books Unbanned. This iniÂtiaÂtive proÂvides AmerÂiÂcan stuÂdents, no matÂter where they live in the U.S., free access to 500,000 digÂiÂtal books, includÂing books banned by stuÂdents’ local libraries. And now the SeatÂtle PubÂlic Library has joined the effort, rolling out its own verÂsion of Books Unbanned. “We believe in your right to read what you want, disÂcovÂer yourÂself and form your own opinÂions,” writes the library. “Teens and young adults ages 13 to 26 livÂing anyÂwhere in the U.S. can access our entire colÂlecÂtion of e‑books and audioÂbooks.” To get startÂed, stuÂdents can fill out the form at the botÂtom of this page (click here), and then explore these curatÂed lists of banned non-ficÂtion books and banned ficÂtion books.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
In March, a FloriÂda school prinÂciÂpal lost her job when 6th graders encounÂtered Michelangelo’s “David” durÂing an art hisÂtoÂry lesson–even though the school ostenÂsiÂbly speÂcialÂizes in offerÂing stuÂdents “a conÂtent-rich clasÂsiÂcal eduÂcaÂtion in the libÂerÂal arts and sciÂences.” ParÂents apparÂentÂly found the RenaisÂsance sculpÂture, um, “pornoÂgraphÂic.”
Fast forÂward two months, and the forÂmer prinÂciÂpal Hope CarÂrasquilÂla has now travÂeled to FloÂrence and visÂitÂed Michelangelo’s “David” in perÂson. This came at the inviÂtaÂtion of the mayÂor of FloÂrence, Dario NardelÂla, and the direcÂtor of the GalÂleÂria dell’Accademia, Cecilie HollÂberg. Above you can see HollÂberg on the left, and CarÂrasquilÂla on the right.
On InstaÂgram, CarÂrasquilÂla comÂmentÂed:
I’m very impressed. The thing that strikes me the most, and that I didÂn’t know, is that this whole gallery was built for him [Michelangelo’s “David”]. I think it’s beauÂtiÂful, it looks like a church. And to me, that just repÂreÂsents realÂly the puriÂty of this figÂure and you see his humanÂiÂty. There is nothÂing wrong with the human body. MichelanÂgeÂlo did nothÂing wrong. He could only sculpt it like this. It couldÂn’t be othÂerÂwise. He’s wonÂderÂful and I’m realÂly hapÂpy to be here.
In her own stateÂment, HollÂberg said:
I am delightÂed to welÂcome her and show her the magÂnifÂiÂcence of our museÂum, as well as perÂsonÂalÂly introÂduce her to David, a sculpÂture that I reitÂerÂate has nothÂing to do with pornogÂraÂphy. It is a masÂterÂpiece repÂreÂsentÂing a reliÂgious symÂbol of puriÂty and innoÂcence, the triÂumph of good over evil. His nudiÂty is an outÂward manÂiÂfesÂtaÂtion of RenaisÂsance thought, which conÂsidÂered man the cenÂtre of the uniÂverse. PeoÂple from all over the world, includÂing many AmerÂiÂcans, make the pilÂgrimÂage to admire him every year. CurÂrentÂly, more than 50% of visÂiÂtors are from the UnitÂed States. I am cerÂtain that Ms. CarÂrasquilÂla will receive the welÂcome and solÂiÂdarÂiÂty she deserves here in FloÂrence.
FloriÂda may be canÂcelÂing clasÂsiÂcal art and thought. FloÂrence is decidÂedÂly not.
RelatÂed ConÂtent
How Michelangelo’s David Still Draws AdmiÂraÂtion and ConÂtroÂverÂsy Today
Michelangelo’s IllusÂtratÂed GroÂcery List
LeonarÂdo da Vinci’s HandÂwritÂten Resume (1482)
SpeakÂing at TED, Nadya TolokonÂnikoÂva, foundÂing memÂber of Pussy Riot, has a powÂerÂful mesÂsage for RusÂsians today: ResistÂing the authorÂiÂty of Vladimir Putin is an option. It’s a choice. Of that, TolokonÂnikoÂva has already proÂvidÂed ample proof. For more than a decade, the memÂbers of Pussy Riot have staged high-proÂfile protests in RusÂsia … and paid the price, with time served in prison. As she puts it, “Courage is an abilÂiÂty to act in the face of fear. And some of us have choÂsen to live couraÂgeousÂly.” That examÂple is what makes her a threat:
The reaÂson why I became a threat to the sysÂtem, not because of any actuÂal physÂiÂcal powÂer that I have, but because courage is conÂtaÂgious. And any act of speakÂing the truth can cause incalÂcuÂlaÂble transÂforÂmaÂtions in social conÂsciousÂness. And we all have this powÂer. It’s a moral act to use this powÂer. You may or may not achieve the results that you wantÂed, but there is eterÂnal beauÂty in tryÂing to find truth, in riskÂing everyÂthing you’ve got for what’s right…
As always, she saves choice words for Putin: “Vladimir Vladimirovich, the KremÂlin walls became your prison walls. You have already lost. You know it. That’s why you’re so afraid. You lost in spirÂit.” Now we just need RusÂsians at home, and UkrainiÂans on the batÂtleÂfield, to make the implicÂit explicÂit.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent