Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

A mer­ry, musi­cal St. Pat’s greet­ing to you from your Irish-Amer­i­can cor­re­spon­dent, pre­sent­ed by his three favorite mup­pets:

via Boing­Bo­ing

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David Sedaris Delivers a Pizza

Appar­ent­ly not the real deal, but a pret­ty good imper­son­ation nonethe­less…

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Cat Shenanigans

It may not qual­i­fy as cul­ture, but it’s fun­ny and rings awful­ly true … (Along sim­i­lar lines, you can get some good ani­mat­ed New York­er car­toons here and here.)

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The Subprime Mortgage Meltdown Satirically Explained

Fun­ny but part­ly instruc­tive.…

via Val­ley­wag

Andy, Are You Goofing on Apple?

andyk.jpgFake Steve Jobs, a wild­ly pop­u­lar blog writ­ten by Daniel Lyons, an edi­tor at Forbes, has been goof­ing on the real Steve Jobs all year. And now things have tak­en an odd turn. Dur­ing the same week that Apple appar­ent­ly shut down ThinkSecret.com (an Apple rumor site) in exchange for cash, Apple may be apply­ing sim­i­lar pres­sure to Fake Steve Jobs. Or maybe not.

If today’s blog post can be tak­en at face val­ue, Apple lawyers have fol­lowed up hard-assed threats with a cash offer (of $500,000) to make FSJ go away. The recent posts all sound con­vinc­ing. But then you note the ref­er­ences to Andy Kauf­man, the mas­ter of walk­ing the line between com­plete sin­cer­i­ty and absur­di­ty. First, there’s the pic­ture of Kauf­man get­ting strong armed dur­ing one of his famous wrestling match­es with women. Next, there’s the ref­er­ence to a “Tony Clifton,” which is the name giv­en to a strange bit char­ac­ter Kauf­man played dur­ing the 1970s (see below).

FSJ is a satire site, and you should­n’t get fooled. But you do. Just like the inevitable dupe does every April 1. Good stuff.

On Hanukkah

For the first night of Hanukkah, we bring you a clas­sic bit from Sat­ur­day Night Live (1989) star­ring Jon Lovitz called “Hanukkah Har­ry Saves Christ­mas.” You can watch the video direct­ly on NBC’s site along with oth­er vin­tage SNL videos. (Sor­ry, I could­n’t find an embed for this one.)

150 Monty Python Sketches (and a Related Prank)

Some­one did a lot of leg­work and pulled togeth­er a heap of Mon­ty Python videos on YouTube. The list includes one famous seg­ment called “Dead Par­rot,” which is notable part­ly because it’s fun­ny, and part­ly because it forms the basis of a sec­ondary joke.

To make a long sto­ry short, there are some folks out there called “scam­baiters” who take revenge against 419 scam­mers — you know, the peo­ple who gen­er­ate those emails that begin some­thing like this: “I have picked-up the trust and courage to write you this let­ter with divine con­fi­dence that you are a reli­able and hon­est per­son who will be capa­ble for this impor­tant busi­ness trans­ac­tion believ­ing also that you will let me down either now or in the future.” When one scam­baiter named Mike Berry received one such email, he some­how man­aged to turn the tables on the scam­mers and duped them into recre­at­ing the Python Dead Par­rot skit. The prank all gets explained at the start of the video below, and you can read more about it here.

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