This one features a guest appearance by Palin herself. Video starts after the brief, but unavoidable commercial. Let ‘er roll:
This one features a guest appearance by Palin herself. Video starts after the brief, but unavoidable commercial. Let ‘er roll:
Yeah, okay, I am getting off track here with this comic bit from The Onion, veering from culture to politics. Sorry for the detour. I will get back on track tomorrow. Really, I will…
It didn’t take long for corporate America to start brazenly shafting the American taxpayer again. Just days after the government spent $85 billion bailing out AIG, the company shelled out $440,000 to send its execs to a Southern California resort. There a good $23,000 was spent on well-deserved spa treatments.
The corruption has reached points where you just have to laugh (did you know that AIG’s CEO also gets a $5 million performance bonus?), and that’s what Saturday Night Live helps you do. Watch the video below and fast forward to the last two and a half minutes.
PS In the comments, one of our readers has offered a defense of AIG. Your thoughts?
You know things are looking bleak when comedy starts making fodder out of depression themes. Here’s a bit that tells you how to go from office worker to homeless drifter in seven easy steps. (Video courtesy of Howcast)
via Valleywag
“Comedian, actor and satirist Chris Elliott has made a career of blurring truth and absurdity. Elliott wrote and performed for Late Night With David Letterman, and went on to perform in other television programs, including Saturday Night Live.” Here he is in conversation with writer Dave Eggers (A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius). The video is courtesy of Fora.TV, and you can watch it here.
Straight from BoingBoing: The new MAD Magazine artwork below. Glad someone can find a little humor in this…
(PS Also see BoingBoing’s piece on the changing WaMu web site.)
File this under comedy/satire, Tina Fey has her Sarah Palin impression nailed. If the video below ceases to work, you can always watch the clip (in better resolution, I might add) right here.